Jan 07, 2022 15:09 UTC
  • France strikes positive tone on Vienna talks, says deal within reach

France’s foreign minister strikes a positive tone over the ongoing negotiations in Vienna to revive the 2015 Iran deal, saying progress has been made in the talks.

In remarks on Friday, Jean-Yves Le Drian said he remains convinced that the parties to the talks can reach a deal, but noted time is running out.

“We have been heading in a positive direction in the last few days, but time is of the essence, because if we don’t get an accord quickly there will be nothing to negotiate,” Le Drian said.

The remarks came after Iran’s chief negotiator in Vienna talks said the negotiations with the remaining signatories to the Iran deal are “positive and forward-moving.” The deal was unilaterally abandoned by the United States in 2018 three years after it was inked.

'West takes vastly different tone'

Meanwhile, an article published by Iran’s Nour News noted the positive news emerging from Vienna in recent days, saying the positive attitude of the Western parties to the deal is vastly different from their approach in the previous round of the talks.

“The tone of Western negotiators, which in the previous round was more based on pressure and even threats, has changed and softened to a great extent,” Nour News reported, citing sources close to the negotiating team.

The article maintained that the Western side had initially attempted to overwhelm Iran’s new negotiating team and make them passive, trying to manipulate public opinion in Iran to put pressure on Iranian negotiators.

“The ultimate goal of these measures was to weaken the will of the negotiating team in the course of a decisive struggle for the realization of the rights of the nation,” it said.

The Nour News article said that the Western parties' attempts failed as the Iranian team resisted the pressures, noting that the resistance led to the inclusion of Iran’s new positions in the new text about which the negotiators are holding talks.

