Nov 09, 2023 12:34 UTC
  • Iran: G7 expected to fulfill responsibility, stop support for Gaza genocide

Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman says the Group of Seven (G7) was expected to fulfill its international responsibilities vis-à-vis Israel's war crimes and condemn genocide in Gaza as the regime pushes ahead with its criminal acts against the besieged Strip.

According to Press TV, Nasser Kan'ani made the announcement on Thursday as he strongly condemned as "groundless" a statement by the G7 foreign ministers and the high representative of the European Union and a separate one by the foreign and defense ministers of Japan and Britain leveling accusations against the Islamic Republic.

The G7 foreign ministers were expected to carry out their responsibility and condemn Israel's measures that are in violation of human and international rights in the Gaza Strip and end their support for Tel Aviv's war crimes and genocide in the blockaded territory, he said.

He added that the ministers were also expected to make efforts to "immediately and unconditionally" put an end to military attacks as well as the blockade in Gaza and ensure Gazans' access to international humanitarian aid.

Kan'ani further rejected as "false and ridiculous" the claims that Iran's support for the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas and the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement has destabilized the region.

"Since the very first day of the crisis in Gaza, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been making constant efforts to stop the military attacks by the aggressive Zionist regime on Gaza and save the lives of defenseless citizens and residents," the Iranian spokesperson said.

He added that the occupation of the Palestinian territories, massacre and genocide of the Palestinian people and destruction of their homes and farms, attacks on religious and Islamic sites, hospitals and medical centers and measures against human rights and international law are among the crimes the Israeli regime has been committing against the oppressed citizens of Palestine.

Elsewhere in his remarks, he dismissed allegations about the human rights situation in Iran, saying the issue of human rights has a high religious and moral position in the Islamic establishment and the Constitution.

Kan'ani urged those countries advising Iran to respect human rights to review their dark record in this regard and end their support for Israel's child-killing, war crimes and genocide in Gaza.

The spokesman also reacted to the G7 foreign ministers' request from Iran to live up to its obligations regarding nuclear non-proliferation and fully cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

"As it has been repeatedly announced, nuclear weapons have no place in the military doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran," he said, reiterating once again the completely peaceful nature of Tehran's nuclear program.

"Iran has fulfilled all its commitments in this regard, which has been verified by the IAEA on several occasions," Kan'ani emphasized.

