Jun 25, 2024 13:31 UTC
  • Imam Khamenei: Ghadir setting ground for materialization of Islamic living and source of unity among all Islamic sects

Pars Today- The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, on the occasion of the blessed Eid al-Ghadir (Ghadir Feast) addressing thousands of visiting people on Tuesday, described Ghadir as an event that laid the foundations for longevity (and continuity) of Islamic rule and a role model for Islamic living.

The Leader pointed to some of the qualities and merits of Imam Ali (peace be upon him), and said, "We have learnt from our Master [Imam Ali] the popularity of the Islamic system and the belief that the presence of each and every individual matters and has a bearing on the fate of this country."

Imam Khamenei, referring to the very important presidential elections on Friday (28 June), said the maximum turnout of the people at polling stations and polling booths, and choosing the best and most qualified candidate for presidency will be a source of pride for the nation and the Islamic Republic. Detailing some of the characteristics and qualities of the most qualified candidate, the Leader urged the public to cast their ballots on polling day and stressed, "Anyone who is interested in a powerful and proud Iran and anyone who believes in supporting the system of government, should participate in the elections."

According to Pars Today, the Leader, congratulating the "Greatest Feast of God" to all Iranian and world Muslims, said the holding of popular celebrations of the Ghadir Feast in streets and public passages "is a very good initiative". Imam Khamenei went on to describe the disappointment of the faithless vis-à-vis defeating Islam a very prominent concept in the Holy Qur'an on the issue of the Ghadir Feast and proclamation of Imam Ali's caliphate and Wilayah (God-given authority) as the testamentary legatee of the Prophet of Islam and the first Infallible Imam.

Imam Khamenei stressed that the continuation of political governance of Islam in the light of the divine command to proclaim Imam Ali's vicegerency and Imamate through the blessed tongue of the Prophet was the cause of despair and disappointment of the faithless and infidels adding: "Continuation of the Islamic rule and policy which is manifested in Imamate, assures continuity and persistence of the spirit of Islam."

The Leader, then, described the position of Imamate among the most important jobs of the divine messengers and superior to the position of prophethood and said: "Prophets and messengers of God convey and clarify the divine commands for people, but in Imamate, divine commands permeate the hearts, minds, thoughts, and actions of people through the efforts of the Imam."

In further comments Imam Khamenei considered the persistence of the Islamic governance in the light of Imamate and Wilayah as the cause of continuation of the Islamic lifestyle, adding: "The aim of the 250-year endeavor and struggles of the Imams, which some of the great Shia figures also pursued and in the current era continued with the struggles of the late Imam [Khomeini] and the Iranian nation, was Islamic governance which leads to the spread of Islamic lifestyle in society."

Explaining the main principles of Islamic living role model, the Leader pointed to "justice", "harshest with the faithless", "merciful among themselves", "the ruler of society understanding the difficulties and problems of ordinary people",   and "people's accompaniment, support, obedience and assistance to the Islamic governor". Imam Khamenei went on to say: "Ghadir sets the ground for materialization of these sublimity-inducing lines of Islamic living and this view can be the source of unity among all Islamic sects and it should not be regarded as a divisive issue or a point of difference between Shias and Sunnis."


Picture of meeting of thousands of people from various walks of life with Imam Khamenei on Eid Ghadir (Ghadir Feast) 

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in the second part of his speech, mentioned the merits of Imam Ali (Peace be upon him) and stressed: "Human's eye of intellect and profound thoughts, too, are not able to perceive the spiritual beauty and ethereal grade of Imam Ali, and humans, at most, are able to draw a general picture in their mind. But, referring to Nahj-ul-Balagha, which is among the great divine blessings, and is not exclusive to the Shias, one can learn the basic principles, criteria, methods, and yardsticks from the Commander of the Faithful and become familiar with his vast knowledge and virtues."

The Leader described the virtues and merits of Imam Ali as lofty and referred to the Nahj-ul-Balagha, listed: "Certitude and being devoid of an iota of despair and doubt", "sensitivity towards each and every one of the people from all religious backgrounds and creeds", "indescribable justice", "not being deceived by the enemy's apparent leniency and vigilance and alertness vis-à-vis the enemy" as the most outstanding virtues and characteristics of Imam Ali (PBUH).

Imam Khamenei, also, pointed to a deep belief in the popularity of the ruling system and the reciprocal rights of the people and the ruler among other merits of Imam Ali, and added, "We have learned the Islamic system's being completely popular from our Master [Imam Ali] and the Qur'anic verses, but some people mistakenly say that they have learned the Islamic Republic, elections, democracy, and religious popular rule from the Westerners."

He continued to enumerate Imam Ali's merits as, attaching importance to people's words and consultations while he was connected to the divine reservoir, and emphasis on each and everyone's presence and effect even the weakest among them on the fate of the society and country, and added, "Nahj-ul-Balagha is the mine for discovering and perceiving highly diverse dimensions of the character of Imam Ali, and it behooves to all people, especially the youths, to read Nahj-ul-Balagha, get accustomed to it and learn unique lessons from it."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, next touched upon the very important presidential elections and said, "Three days later, the Iranian nation will face the important test of elections whose importance is more than ever."

He considered holding elections 40 days after the loss and million-strong funeral of the good, beloved, popular, diligent, and interested president as a unique thing in the world and expressed hope that God would make the Iranian nation proud in this election.

Imam Khamenei considered pride and honor in the elections related to people's maximum turnout and electing the most qualified candidate, saying, "The reason for insistence and emphasis on spectacular participation in the elections is that the most important effect of massive turnout is the pride of the Islamic Republic."

The Leader, referring to the continuation of hostilities against the Islamic Republic ever since the very moment of its formation, described elections and massive turnout among the factors to overcome enmities, and added, "Republic and participation is in the nature of the Islamic Republic while election and determining the official of the country is the most important symbol of it."

Key phrases: Who is Imam Khamenei? presidential elections in Iran, Imam Ali, Ghadir Feast





