A cursory look at social justice in Qur'an and need to establish justice-oriented governments
(last modified 2024-09-06T07:41:29+00:00 )
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  • A cursory look at social justice in Qur'an and need to establish justice-oriented governments

Pars Today- Materialization of justice has been among the most important ideals of all reformers and free humans, especially prophets, throughout history. The Islamic Revolution of Iran, too, was staged with the motto of social justice in a bid to set up a society based on the Qur'anic justice.

Justice is a human ideal which man has known as an inward desire and made it the basis of rules and judgments. Discrimination, violation of the rights of the oppressed and injustice upset the hearts. Moreover, lack of social justice has been the cause of many social movements and revolutions. Here, Pars Today has cast a brief look at this important issue on the basis of the noble Qur'an:

Meaning of justice

Imam Ali (Peace upon him), the first Infallible Successor of the Prophet of Islam, describes justice as giving the right to the one who is entitled. He further describes it as fairness, moderation, refraining from going to extremes. Article 31 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, too, has claimed its objective to remove aggression, discrimination, and establishing a, so-called, oppression-free system and, in all of its paragraphs, freedom of individuals and materialization of their rights in every field have been apparently stressed. However, their main signatories are its greatest violators.

The wise, like Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Ibn Rushd (Averroes), Allameh Tabatabi, martyr Motahhari and, above all, Imam Khomeini, have emphatically mentioned the idea of foundation of a government based on justice. What makes Imam Khomeini's view more conspicuous is that he was not content with theory and rather strove to make the idea more public, and with the help of the masses who sought justice enthusiastically, founded the Islamic government on the basis of the Qur'anic justice.

Importance of social justice in Qur'an

Social justice is so valuable in view of the Quran that God has decisively ordered it and made it obligatory. The Qur'an reminds the Islamic community that the mischiefs and enmities of adversaries should not push Muslims out of the path of justice and they should behave justly even with enemies. Thus, one of the main objectives of prophets has been considered maintenance of justice and fairness in the holy Qur'an. This Qur'anic principle was clear in the practice of the Prophet of Islam, too. Imam Baqer (Peace upon him), the fifth Infallible Successor of the Prophet, says on the Prophet, "He annulled whatever was during the [era of] ignorance and started behaving people with justice."

Regarding the importance of justice in society, the Qur'an has generalized it in various fields. The necessity of observing justice in testifying, words, judgment and maintenance of justice in every phase of life indicates this importance. The noble Qur'an has called as "transgression" whatever causes corruption and disturbs the spirit of justice and considered it as haram (religiously prohibited). This includes even a piece of false news which affects the morale of individuals practically. In a balanced society, where everyone enjoys power, wealth and position equally, naturally sympathy and brotherhood is set up among each and every member of the society. Imam Ali (Peace upon him) says, "Justice is pleasant and the cause of closeness." The opposite of social justice is oppression and injustice which, through arousing of the divine wrath, creates enmity and leads to the annihilation of civilizations and society.

Formation of government based on justice

The most essential condition for materialization of social justice, as one of the goals of raising prophets, is to establish government. Therefore, the continuous effort of prophets and their successors to establish government was aimed at creation of social justice. They never sought chairmanship, excessiveness, welfare and worldly comfort. The holy Qur'an says, "Indeed, We sent the prophets with proofs and sent down with them the Book and the Balance so that the people maintain justice."

Had they been obligated only to secure people's Hereafter, the opposition and disturbance of opponents and enemies would have been senseless. Passing Islamic laws and putting them into action, especially financial laws, is in need of formation of a government. Accordingly, Prophet Solomon son of David and Prophet Mohammad (Blessings of God upon him and his progeny) tried to establish government and fulfill people's rights.

Role of justice in human perfection and development

The aim of creation and man's emergence on the earth is to reach perfection. Social justice is the thing that can lead human community to this aim. When every member of the society finds its right safeguarded and their humanity and dignity respected, their relation with other members are improved and they try reciprocally to be useful in the society. Oppression is a pest for the society and destroys civilizations and nations. According to the verses of the noble Qur'an, observing of justice is so significant in the correction of individual and social morality and conduct and also guiding towards perfection that it has been recommended even for trivial matters. The holy Qur'an says, "Surely, Allah enjoins the doing of justice and the doing of good (to others) and the giving to the relatives, and He forbids indecency and evil and rebellion."

Other verses read, "I have been ordered to do justice among you", "Say (o Prophet), 'My Lord has ordered justice", "O you who have faith! Be maintainers of justice, testifiers for Allah." All these verses indicate that justice is desirable in all fields.

Key phrases: social justice in Qur'an, justice and fairness in Islam, struggling against oppression and injustice in Islam, justice in Islamic government

