May 18, 2024 15:16 UTC
  • Kiss your child / 12 recommendations from Prophet of Islam on interaction with children

Pars Today- The Prophet of Islam says, "God's mercy upon a servant [of God] who helps his child be good through good conduct with him, close bond with him, educating and training him."

There are many guidelines in the Islamic sources from Prophet Mohammad (Blessings of God upon him and his progeny) on the principles of training children in various physical and spiritual dimensions. Here we have chosen 12 of them which can greatly help in finding a correct behavior and view on the way of interaction with children.

  1. A good child: a flower from paradise

The Prophet of Islam says, "A righteous child is a fragrant flower from paradise." (al-Kafi, v6, p3)

  1. Do not beat your child

The Prophet says, "Do not beat your children because of their crying." (Wasael-al-Shia, v15, p171)

  1. Love your daughter

The Messenger of God says, "He who has a daughter, if he does not hurt her [physically and spiritually], humiliate her or prefer his son to her, God will admit him into paradise." (Mustadrak al-Wasael, v15, p118)

  1. Rights of child on father

The Prophet says, "Among the rights of child on his father are three: giving him a good name, teaching him to write, and help him marry when he grows up." (Makarem al-Akhlaq, v1, p474)

  1. God's mercy upon righteous father

The Prophet of Islam says, "God's mercy upon a servant [of God] who helps his child be good through good conduct with him, close bond with him, educating and training him." (Mustadrak al-Wasael, v15, p169)

  1. Kiss your child

Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) says, "He who kisses his child, Almighty God will register a righteous deed for him. And he who makes his child happy, God will make him happy on the Day of Resurrection. And he who teaches the Qur'an to his child, the child will be called [on the day of Resurrection] alongside his parents to clothe them with two attires so that the faces of the inhabitants of paradise will shine with their light." (al-Kafi, v6, p49)

  1. Pray for your child

The Prophet says, "God's mercy upon the man who helps his child in being good in a way that pardons his misdeeds and prays for him to have a bond with God." (Behar-al-Anwar, v104, p98)

  1. Behave as a child

The Messenger of mercy says, "He who has a child should behave him in a childish way." (Man-la Yahzaru-hul-Faqih, v3, p483)

  1. Greet children

The Prophet says, "I will not give up five things till death: … among them is greeting children so that it becomes a tradition after me." (Makaerm al-Akhlaq, v1, p251)

  1.  Great reward for gladdening child

 The Prophet says, "Whenever a father looks at his child and gladdens him, there will be the reward of freeing a slave for the father." (Mustadrak al-Wasael, v15, p169)

  1.  Observe equality

The Prophet said to a man who kissed one son but not the other, "Why did you not observe equality between them?" (Man-la Yahzaru-hul-Faqih, v3, p483)

  1.  Maintain justice among children

Prophet Mohammad (Blessings of God upon him and his progeny) says, "Maintain justice among your children just, as you like justice to be maintained among you, in doing good and being kind." (Makarem al-Akhlaq, v1, p473)

Key phrases: What are the rights of child? rights of child in Islam, narrations about children, child training, how to behave with children


