Jun 22, 2024 15:35 UTC
  • Preparation of Imam Ali's shrine on the verge of Ghadir Khom feast + Pictures

Pars Today- The custodian of the holy shrine of Imam Ali (Peace upon him), the testamentary legatee of the Prophet of Islam and the first Imam of Shia Muslims, has made preparations in this sacred shrine on the threshold of the blessed Ghadir Khom feast. The custodian has adorned the shrine with flags, banners, flowers and chains of lamps.

Installation of various banners, chains of lamps and writings of parts of the Prophet's Ghadir sermon are among the activities of the holy mausoleum of Imam Ali (Peace upon him) on the occasion of the blissful Ghadir feast and the ceremonies of the Week of Wilayah. According to Pars Today, Tuesday Zul-Hijja 18, 1445 (June 25, 2024) is the day of Ghadir Khom, the great feast of Muslims.

Ghadir Khom is the name of a place between Mecca and Medina in which the Messenger of Mercy, Prophet Mohammad (Blessings and greetings of God upon him and his progeny) upon the divine command, proclaimed Imam Ali (Peace upon him) as his vicegerent and testamentary legatee. This event occurred while the Prophet was returning from his final Hajj.

Here are pictures of preparation of the holy shrine of Imam Ali (Peace upon him) on the threshold of Ghadir feast.

Key phrases: Ghadir Khom feast, Who is Imam Ali (Peace upon him)? Noble Prophet of Islam, Feasts of Muslims, Hajj


