Mar 26, 2024 11:07 UTC
  • Be truth, tell truth & seek truth/ A look at ayah 81 of Surah Al-Isrā of the holy Quran
    Be truth, tell truth & seek truth/ A look at ayah 81 of Surah Al-Isrā of the holy Quran

Pars Today- Although each of the great divine prophets faced with deprivations and failures, altogether, mankind has moved in the direction of advancement and sublimity and the factor for this were the prophets.

In ayah 81 of Surah Al-'Isrā of the holy Qur'an, God says, "And say, 'The truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Indeed, falsehood is bound to vanish.'" Here we would like to have a look at this ayah:

Analysis of the ayah

"And say the truth has come". O Prophet! Say that the truth has come, "and falsehood has vanished." This is the divine tradition and the way of the prophets, as a manifestation of truth, is included in this tradition. "Indeed falsehood is bound to vanish". This is the tradition that basically falsehood is bound to vanish. Falsehood means naught in the sense that it had been defeated from the beginning and, in fact in the real world, it cannot do anything. According to this tradition, whatever man does in the way of God and obedience of prophets, as it is truth, it will materialize and finally it will impact in the world and will be victorious.

A look at water and scum

Pour water in a glass and look! The scums come up, over water, but they do not stay up. They do not stay at all. But water stays. Water is the source of life, it waters the thirsty, fertilizes the trees, causes the flowers to blossom, ripens the fruits, puts everything in its place. But what about the sums? They neither quench thirst nor cause growth. In view of the holy Qur'an, the truth is just like water and it is exactly silent, with no claim, humble, source of life and freshness. But, falsehood just like scum is arrogant, supercilious, empty, hollow, useless and perishable. "Indeed falsehood is bound to vanish".

So, remember that if you are false and idol, you will not stay, you will perish and finish. Not only false humans, but also false thoughts and false acts do not stay. Do you want to stay? Be truth, tell the truth and seek the truth!

What is bound to come is the truth. "The truth has come." What is bound to go is falsehood. "And falsehood has vanished".

Victory or defeat?

As we bear in mind and we read in the history of prophets, they spent life with endeavours and jihad and many of them drank the elixir of martyrdom. So, was their job a useless and fruitless job? Were the prophets defeated in history? Is that true, as the naïve minds still think in the world and the anti-prophet powers like this thought remain in people's mind, that the prophets got no result of their effort and oppression, cruelty, rebellion and unfaith have dominated through the history? Is it in this way? We believe that it is not in this way.

There are two issues here: First, the chain that is called prophethood meaning the caravan of prophets from Adam to the Last Prophet, what did they do? What did they do collectively? Did they advance or were bankrupt? This is one issue. Another issue is: Was each of the great divine prophets successful or defeated in his own time?

We conclude in this way from the first issue. We say that although each of the great divine prophets faced with deprivations and failures, altogether, mankind has moved in the direction of advancement and sublimity and the factor for this were the prophets. It was the prophets who pushed human being towards the destination and the end of the human fate. They caused him to move and helped him go in this path. But was each one of the prophets successful in each revolutionary divine and monotheistic movement? Were they successful or not? We say that there is a general rule here. The general rule is that each of them who had enough faith and patience succeeded. Each one who had not enough faith and patience failed.

This was adopted from the book, "General Plan of Islamic Thought" by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei.

