• Plot to drive wedge between Iranian & Afghan people

    Plot to drive wedge between Iranian & Afghan people

    Apr 15, 2022 08:03

    Both Iran and Afghanistan and their respective peoples ought to exercise extra vigilance in order to frustrate the devilish designs of their common enemies to disrupt ties.

  • US trying to resuscitate Takfiri terrorism

    US trying to resuscitate Takfiri terrorism

    Jan 24, 2022 15:57

    The US hand is fully evident in the upsurge of Takfiri terrorism in Syria and Iraq, and could be called a clumsy bid to perpetuate insecurity in the two countries. Washington is evil incarnate.

  • US withdrawal would hand northeastern Syria to Turks

    US withdrawal would hand northeastern Syria to Turks

    Dec 24, 2018 21:01

    The Trump administration is set to rapidly withdraw US military forces from northeastern Syria, where it has occupied around 30 percent of Syrian territory since mid-2016.

  • New evidence of US-led alliance’s support for terrorists in Syria

    New evidence of US-led alliance’s support for terrorists in Syria

    Oct 27, 2017 19:44

    Despite the denials of the US – the godfather of terrorists and terrorism around the world – the cannibalistic Takfiris and other violently inhuman outfits operating in Syria against the legal government of President Bashar al-Assad and against the Syrian people, arms and funds are constantly flowing from Washington, European countries, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the illegal Zionist entity, to these merchants of death, as new evidence has revealed.

  • The battle for Syria and the worldwide struggle against global arrogance

    The battle for Syria and the worldwide struggle against global arrogance

    Dec 26, 2016 21:40

    Historical developments over several decades reveal the two-party complicity in the total war strategy. This is the second public meeting that we have held in less than a week on the character of the imperialist system and the role of the Left, the nationally oppressed peoples, both in the United States and abroad, along with the working class as a whole, in ending these wars of destabilization, destruction and genocide.

  • Iranian journalist martyred in Aleppo

    Iranian journalist martyred in Aleppo

    Nov 24, 2016 20:04

    According to the UNESCO report over 827 journalists have been killed during the past 10 years. The countries with the highest mortality rate for journalists and reporters have been Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya.

  • Battle for Aleppo, a treacherous ceasefire & the Deir Ezzor bombing

    Battle for Aleppo, a treacherous ceasefire & the Deir Ezzor bombing

    Oct 04, 2016 17:09

    The stepped up bid by the Syrian government to liberate its largest city Aleppo from the occupation of the US and Saudi backed Takfiri terrorists, has exposed the ugly face of Washington’s hypocrisy toward the crisis in Syria.

  • Footage of boy in Aleppo is opportunistic propaganda of Western media

    Footage of boy in Aleppo is opportunistic propaganda of Western media

    Sep 06, 2016 16:44

    Here we present you an analysis by conscientious American journalist Brandon Turbeville, the author of several books including “The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria.”

  • Iraqi Analyst: Defeat of Takfiris in Fallujah means defeat across world

    Iraqi Analyst: Defeat of Takfiris in Fallujah means defeat across world

    May 31, 2016 16:57

    The crises created in our region by the Americans and the Zionists, in league with reactionary Arab regimes, especially Saudi Arabia, by funding the Godless Takfiri terrorists to destabilize countries, in particular Syria and Iraq, have met with fierce resistance from patriotic forces in the two countries.