• US sanctions hamper coronavirus fight in Venezuela

    US sanctions hamper coronavirus fight in Venezuela

    Mar 27, 2020 18:10

    Venezuela’s economy relied on oil exports to generate the revenue necessary to import goods. With the fall in oil prices came a directed attack on Venezuela by a new round of unilateral and illegal sanctions from the United States. These sanctions prevented oil companies and transportation firms from doing business with Venezuela; international banks seized Venezuela’s holdings in their vaults, including $1.2 billion in gold in the Bank of England, and stopped doing business with Venezuela.

  • IMF refuses aid to Venezuela in midst of Covid-19 crisis

    IMF refuses aid to Venezuela in midst of Covid-19 crisis

    Mar 22, 2020 19:24

    Recently Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro met with senior government officials in Caracas. During the meeting, the Venezuelan pharmaceutical body (CIFAR) and Venezuelan medical equipment companies said they would be able to increase production of machines and medicines to stem the coronavirus crisis; but, they said, they would need key raw materials that have to be imported.

  • Pro-coup Venezuelan soldiers who fled to the US now locked up in ICE detention center

    Pro-coup Venezuelan soldiers who fled to the US now locked up in ICE detention center

    Dec 31, 2019 17:41

    The self-declared Venezuelan President Juan Guaidó has attempted three coups in 2019, in January, April and November. All were backed by the United States. The last of the three was so unsuccessful that it was barely noticed even inside the country. Guaidó, someone that over 80 percent of Venezuelans had not heard of in January, has seen his popularity wane throughout the year as his increasingly desperate attempts to seize power continued to fail.

  • Even while Guaido faces yet another scandal, US moves to reauthorize sanctions

    Even while Guaido faces yet another scandal, US moves to reauthorize sanctions

    Dec 09, 2019 15:42

    Since inciting an open rebellion which fell flat on its face after it became clear Venezuelan democratically-elected President Nicolas Maduro retained support of the military and most of the population, self-declared President Juan Guaido has been the subject of several high-profile scandals.

  • Time to change the refugee narrative?

    Time to change the refugee narrative?

    Dec 04, 2019 13:29

    As walls and fences go up, so do the dramatic increases in migrant deaths. The Associated Press reports that 56,800 people died or went missing crossing a border from 2014-18.

  • Leftists make a comeback in Latin America

    Leftists make a comeback in Latin America

    Nov 10, 2019 10:50

    The U.S. is concerned about the presence of its rivals, especially Russia and China, in Latin America and the cooperation of these two countries with leftist states in the region.

  • The world is de-dollarizing

    The world is de-dollarizing

    Jul 23, 2019 15:09

    What if tomorrow nobody but the United States would use the US-dollar?

  • US citizens are the true victims of Washington’s latest coup

    US citizens are the true victims of Washington’s latest coup

    Jun 14, 2019 18:08

    “We have more in common with the Venezuelan people than we do with our own government. From this understanding, we can build real solidarity, and defy the coups against us and our counterparts around the globe”, says Eleanor Goldfield peace activist, journalist, poet, and supporter of free speech, in her article for MintPress, titled: “US Citizens Are the True Victims of Washington’s Latest Coup”.

  • Venezuela: Amnesty International in service of US Empire

    Venezuela: Amnesty International in service of US Empire

    May 25, 2019 19:59

    Amnesty International calls for justice about as often as it calls for punishment with the subtext that punishment of the US Empire’s victims is justice writes Roger D. Harris, a human rights activist with the Campaign to End US-Canadian Sanctions Against Venezuela, in his article for MintPress, titled: “Venezuela: Amnesty International in Service of US Empire”.

  • Venezuela in

    Venezuela in "misery"- lies and deceit by the media

    May 24, 2019 15:24

    Venezuela in "misery"- lies and deceit by the media