West stirs Islamophobia and Iranophobia campaigns (2)
(last modified Wed, 29 Jun 2016 13:02:27 GMT )
Jun 29, 2016 13:02 UTC

One of the goals and intentions of the West in staging its Iranophobia campaign is to establish regional security arrangements without Iran’s participation, and in a bid to counter Iran.

The US is making every effort to shape a regional alliance of Arab states and Zionist regime against Iran, Hezbollah, Syria, and Lebanon. For this reason, US broadened its so-called democratization plan in the Middle East and attacked Iraq.

The most recent case in establishment of regional security arrangements is evident in the efforts of the Saudi regime in this domain. Obviously, one of the most important goals of such coalitions and regional security arrangements is to somehow obstruct Islamic Iran’s role in the region.

The Iranophobia campaign of the US led some Arab leaders to adapt anti-Iran stances; and to purchase weapons in an unprecedented manner.

The US Congress has approved a large-scale military assistance in the form of export of weapons to Persian Gulf littoral states and Zionist regime.

West via staging the Iranophobia campaign prompts Arab regimes to enter an arms race with Iran, so that Washington would be able to reap tidy profits from the sales of weapons to these Arab states.

In accordance to these arms deals, the US will sell modern weapons and planes worth billions of dollars to Saudi regime, United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Kuwait within a ten-year period. In these military pacts, it has been stated that the US maintains post-sales services for these military exports for a period of ten to twenty years, including terms of usage and maintenance of these modern arms and planes, which obliges the said four states to pay an additional $500bn to American firms.

The highly-circulated American daily, Washington Post, in a recent report, noted that Pentagon, in addition to conclusion of a $60bn deal for sales of weapons to Saudi regime, is currently holding talks with the Saudi officials for modernization of the Saudi Navy and defense missiles. The plan for deployment of missile defense system in a number of Persian Gulf littoral states, and deals clinched for sales of weapons to these countries have also been the talking points in the discussions of these Arab states and the US.

The West also intends to somehow make major changes in the structure of Islamic Republic of Iran via psychological warfare. The implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1929, which imposed a string of sanctions against Iran, was part of West’s conspiracies against Islamic Iran.

The US Iran Policy is to somehow undermine Islamic ideology via falsely displaying Islamic Iran inefficient in the political and economic scenes. This plot is currently underway by the US against Iran with the usage of satellite networks, cyberspace, and Western publications.

The West is hell-bent on displaying Iran as a threat against regional countries, and depicting a false image of Iran across the region in a bid to justify the Western troops’ presence in the region and to continue sales of weapons to regional countries.

Meanwhile, a number of researchers delivered keynote speeches in an address to the Islamophobia confab which was convened in London. They reiterated that the West’s domineering policies has fueled resentment toward Muslims, while pointing out that formation and emergence of DAESH terrorist outfit is part of Western regimes’ plots after the termination of the Cold War era.

Moreover, one of the attendants in a meeting of England’s Islamic Human Rights Committee, Ramon Grousfugel, pointed out that Islamophobia is the product of West’s opportunism. This speaker emphasized that after the termination of Cold War era, and the collapse of Soviet Union, the Western regimes shaped another hypothetical enemy for themselves which was DAESH.

He underlined that Takfiri outfits, led by DAESH, have been currently introduced as the enemies of the West, while the Western regimes fulfill their interests under the pretext of battling and countering DAESH.

In the aftermath of Paris terrorist operations, the US presidential hopefuls took advantage of these incidents. One of the Republican hopefuls, Donald Trump, in a number of speeches, baselessly claimed that the 9/11 terrorist operations which led to destruction of the Twin Towers, gladdened the Muslims in New Jersey and other parts of the world.

In addition to the broadcast of anti-Islamic and anti-Iran reports in the US, the Hollywood films also play a unique role in promotion of Islamophobia and Iranophobia, to an extent that in the Western film industry, Muslims are falsely depicted as mischievous. Many of the Hollywood films in the 1980s displayed West’s Islamophobia campaign.

In the 1990s, Hollywood productions stepped up their anti-Islamic rhetoric, while after the year 2000 many Hollywood films pictured the ultimate confrontation between Islam and the West.

In the aftermath of 9/11, one of Hollywood’s main missions was to promote Islamophobia among viewers.

Escalation of differences of opinion between Shias and Sunnis is part of Western-Zionist conspiracies. Unfortunately, some of the Arab and Islamic countries, wittingly or unwittingly, have turned into the stooges of the West and Zionist regime, and take measures that fulfill the Zionist regime’s sinister goals.

Overall, it can be said that provocation of infightings in the World of Islam is one of the most common tactics in the West’s Islamophobia campaign so that the Muslims would not be able to unite against hegemonic powers, and would no longer prioritize the confrontation with the Zionist regime.

In general, the US Iran Policy maintains a number of goals, such as presentation of a false image of Islam and Islamic Republic of Iran; intention to display political Islam incapable of administration of the community, and baseless depiction of Iran as a supporter of terrorism.

Meanwhile, the US insists on double standards in regard to human rights; supports the horrific crimes which the usurper Israeli regime commits against defenseless and innocent Palestinians; turns a blind eye to Saudi regime’s heinous crimes in Yemen; and the US continues to finance terrorist groups including DAESH.

