Dec 02, 2021 17:23 UTC
  • Delegates in Vienna won’t take instructions from Israeli PM: Khatibzadeh

The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman has lashed out at the latest remarks by the Zionist regime's prime minister, Naftali Bennett, who has urged world powers to immediately stop ongoing talks in the Austrian capital on the removal of Iran sanctions, saying that negotiating delegates do not take orders from him.

According to Press TV, Saeed Khatibzadeh made the remarks in a Thursday tweet in which he said Bennett’s demand for an immediate halt to negotiations in Vienna revealed the Zionist regime’s true color once again.

The Iranian diplomat, however, added that the Israeli prime minister’s comments were no surprise as the regime “whose genesis is based on war, tension & terror,” has always despised dialogue.

Khatibzadeh then emphasized, “Delegates in Vienna won’t take instruction from Beit Aghion,” referring to the name of the official residence of the Israeli prime minister.

Earlier in the day, Bennett had alleged in a phone call with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken that “Iran is carrying out nuclear blackmail as a negotiating tactic, and this should be answered by the immediate halt to negotiations and the implementation of tough steps by the world powers.”

This came after the Israeli foreign minister’s visit to the UK and France earlier this week to ensure that banking sanctions against Iran will stand.

A day earlier, Khatibzadeh had warned that the Israeli regime is trying to come in the way of potential progress in ongoing talks in Vienna that seeks removal of the United States’ illegal and inhumane sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

“Israeli regime whose existence relies on tension is at it again, trumpeting lies to poison Vienna talks,” Khatibzadeh said in a tweet.

The seventh round of the talks started in the Austrian capital on Monday.

