Mar 17, 2023 13:17 UTC
  •  Tehran slams Berlin's 'hypocrisy' over Israeli nukes

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kana'ani has slammed as "hypocritical" Berlin's stance toward Iran's peaceful nuclear program as the European country remains silent on Israel's nuclear arsenal which is a "threat to the region and the world".

In a statement on Friday, he reacted to remarks made by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in a joint press conference on Thursday with visiting Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"It is strange that German officials introduce Iran's peaceful nuclear program, which is under the most strict supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency, as a threat but say no word about the extensive nuclear arsenal of the fake, occupier, and the anti-human Zionist regime which threatens the region and the world," said the spokesman.

Scholz repeated the Western countries' claims that Iran was trying to develop nuclear weapons and said that Tehran should not be allowed to have nukes. He also said Germany gives priority to diplomacy for resolving the issue while also claiming that Iran was a "real threat".

"Independent countries and the world's public opinion are fed up with such double standards and behaviors and are gradually becoming more confident in their conclusion about how far the claims and allegations of some Western governments against the Islamic Republic of Iran are hypocritical and invalid," Kana'ani added.

