Apr 28, 2023 13:37 UTC
  • President: Oil industry must enjoy updated knowledge

President Seyyed Ebrahim Raeisi has said that the relationship between the knowledge-based companies and the administrative bodies, including the Oil Ministry must be shored up.

According to Iran Press, speaking at the inauguration ceremony of the Hoveizeh Refinery project on Friday, April 28, he said that the gas industry must be totally technology-based.

The president admired the collection of 250 million square feet of gas burnt by the gas flares in Khuzestan province on the one hand and the ministry's support for the production of 150 MW of electricity from the Karun plant, saying there is yet to increase the amount of electricity.

With regard to the benefits of the project, Raeisi highlighted the value-added created by the project for the country's industry and the employment it has provided for the Iranian labor force, emphasizing that the labor force employed in the facilities there must be of the local people. 

He called on the oil ministry to collect the gas coming out from the gas pits throughout the countries and turn it into usable food for the refineries. 

