Mar 09, 2024 13:55 UTC
  • Germany & liars backing child-killer Israeli regime trying to deceive world via Iranophobia

Pars Today – Islamic Republic of Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman, condemning the report released by the so-called International Fact-Finding Commission, called the repetition of this report devoid of legal status and basically rejected.

Nasser Kan'ani, on Saturday, pointing to the effort of a few Western countries to continue Iranophobia project and calumniate Iran, stated, "The so-called Fact-Finding Commission, which was shaped up with the farcical show of human rights by some Western countries, especially Germany, and their donated money in December 2020 after defeat of the project to destabilize Iran domestically, releasing a report including an organized set of distortion of realities and fabrications, not only has not found facts, but has also turned facts upside down in a targeted way."

Kan'ani, stating that Iran considers this report, which has been designed by the Zionist regime and the US and a few Western countries, as a clear example of abuse of lofty human rights concepts and values in a bid to advance shortsighted political goals, added, "The so-called International Fact-Finding Commission through the issuance of the recent report has shown that it acting according to the agenda of the German, British, American and Zionist founders and is salaried by them, and it has used the UN human rights mechanisms as a plaything for the sinister and illegal goals of the said regimes."

Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman made it clear that the countries founding the Commission known as "Fact-Finding" are angry with the security and stability ruling in the Islamic Republic of Iran and failure of their interference during the 2020 riots; hence, have released this report to take revenge from the Iranian nation.

Kan'ani, in the end, recommended these countries to, instead of undue interventions in Iran, address human rights violations in their own countries, and, if they have an iota of honesty and sympathy towards human rights and women's rights, to pay attention to violation of the rights of thousands of women and children and carnage of over 30,000 Palestinian citizens in 5 months 70 percent of whom are women and children, and stop supporting genocide and crimes against humanity in Gaza.


