May 22, 2024 06:05 UTC
  • 6 Israeli media scenarios on Ayatollah Raeisi's martyrdom

Pars Today- The news of Iranian president's martyrdom from the very beginning aroused national unity, but as usual, such an event faces with a current by the Israeli propaganda and psychological operation apparatuses which are trying to forge difference.

Some of the scenarios of these apparatuses can be mentioned as follows:

  1. Bogus power ostentation

Since the martyrdom of Ayatollah Raeisi and his companions, Israelis have not dared to utter a single word officially on the incident. However, some of the anonymous accounts, which possibly run by the policies and money of Israeli psychological operation bodies, have tried in vain to call Israel involved in the incident.

  1. Forging differences

The news of Iranian president's martyrdom from the very beginning aroused national unity, but as usual, such events faced with a current by the Israeli propaganda and psychological operation apparatuses which are trying to forge difference. It is the media scenario which pretends to be Iranian while trying, instead of bolstering unity, to broach calumnies and squabbles of various groups and tastes. If these media lines are examined, they will often lead to anonymous accounts on social networks that have no address.

  1. Devilish insinuations against neighbors

Enhancement of Iran's relations with neighboring countries has been among the principle policies of Ayatollah Raeisi's administration and he had gained important successes in this field. Expansion of ties with the Republic of Azerbaijan and start of exploitation of Qiz Qalasi dam on Sunday, with the presence of Presidents Ebrahim Raeisi and Ilham Aliev, was among the clear examples of advancing this policy. Nevertheless, an Israeli media policy, since the day of Mr. Raeisi's martyrdom, has been hell-bent, without a single research, document or evidence, on raising baseless claims to tarnish these ties.

  1. Assassination of psychological calm with repeated lies

On Monday morning, a twitter account attributing itself to the Israeli spying apparatus, Mossad, wrote in a piece of false news that Iran's police commander General Ahmad Reza Radan had been assassinated! This is the repeated tactic during these junctures in time to target the psychological calm of society with consecutive rumors and lies.

  1. Insinuation of chaos despite unique solidarity in Iran

The Islamic Republic of Iran, for the past 45 years, has undergone similar incidents and even worse than them. In the first years after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the Iranian Judiciary Chief, Ayatollah Mohammad Hosseini Beheshti together with over 70 of MPs and officials, and shortly after them, President Mohammad Ali Rajaei and Prime Minister Mohammad Javad Bahonar were martyred through acts of terror, yet, Iran passed behind those incidents powerfully with no serious problem and concern. However, the Israeli psychological operation line, since the very beginning of the incident, started pumping the concept that Iran is plunged in a great trouble and an insoluble crisis.

  1. Riot instead of election

Among the characteristics of the Iranian Constitution is that necessary preparations and measures have been predicted and inserted in it for different events and incidents. It has been clearly specified in the Constitution what exactly should be done in the current juncture so that the new president is elected according to the religious popular rule. But, the Zionist scenarios are very interested in replacing solidarity and democratic processes with instability and riot and, to do this, they have put on the agenda to publish biting messages of some of the opposition groups.


Key phrases: who was Raeisi? Who is Imam Khamenei? Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, helicopter crash, Raeisi, who was Amir-Abdollahian? Israel     
