Unity music; traditions and customs of Prophet's birthday among Sunni and Shia Muslims in Iran + pictures
(last modified 2024-09-22T07:40:26+00:00 )
Sep 22, 2024 07:40 UTC
  • Unity music; traditions and customs of Prophet's birthday among Sunni and Shia Muslims in Iran + pictures

Pars Today- Celebration of the birth anniversary of the Prophet of Islam (Blessings of God upon him and his progeny) among both Sunni and Shia Muslims manifests their love towards the Prophet and symbolizes unity of Muslims.

Rabi-ul-Awwal, the third Islamic month is known as the time of joy among Muslims. According to Pars Today, the birthday of the Prophet of Islam and other occasions, such as the birthday of his sixth Infallible Successor, Imam Jafar Sadeq (Peace upon him), are in this month. Therefore, Muslims in Iran and all over the world hold celebrations on this occasion.


Dates of celebration

The birth anniversary of Prophet Mohammad (Blessings of God upon him and his progeny) is celebrated on different dates. Sunni Muslims celebrate it on the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal, while Shia Muslims hold it on the 17th of this month. This difference originates in different historical narrations.


Unity Week

The 17th of Rabi-ul-Awwal is a holiday in the Iranian calendar and the period between 12th -17th of this month is called the "Unity Week". This week is an opportunity to bolster bonds among Muslims and emphasize on solidarity among various religious denominations.


Public traditions and customs

Religious celebrations are held in Iran in different ways. Decoration, lighting, distribution of votive, exchange of visits- especially to the descendants of the Prophet- preparation of cookies and sweets and playing music while wearing traditional clothes are the main parts of these customs.

Kurdish daf-players of Iran on Prophet's birthday

According to special narrations, some people do worships like fasting and perform special prayers. People in Sistan-Baluchestan province fast on this day, while people in Qazvin perform recommended (non-obligatory) prayers.


Invitation and gathering individuals

People use invitation cards, announce via speakers or recite relevant happy poems to invite people to the celebration. In some villages a person called "Chavoosh" used to inform other villagers about the celebration. These methods help strengthen social bonds.

Unity Week feast in Iran


Gifts and votive

Visiting the descendants of the Prophet and giving presents to new brides are also among the customs of the blessed birthday of the Prophet. In some regions, people pay a visit to the descendants of the Prophet (Sādāt) and give them presents or receive presents in cash from them as a sign of blessing. They usually keep the money in their wallet or purse for one year. In Kerman province, people visit the descendants of the Prophet and kiss their hands.

Visiting descendants of Prophet in Iran


Salawāt table-cloth and charity broth

Again in Kerman province, women prepare Salawāt table-cloth. To put it clear, women gather together and recite Salawāt (greet the Prophet and his progeny) and pray for their special problem. Indeed, they seek intercession with the Prophet and his Ahl al-Bayt to resolve their problem. This is done as blessing and then the charity broth is made.

Distributing votive broth in religious customs in Iran


Birthday feast among Sunni Muslims

The birth anniversary of the Prophet is known as "Eid Mowlood" among Sunni Muslims. People converge in mosques or houses, adorn the space with lights and entertain the guests with sweets and fruit juices and halal drinks. In Kong port of Hormozgan province, poems are read out after the ˋAshā (night) prayer while playing Daf (musical instrument resembling tambourine) and reciting panegyrics in praise of the Prophet.

Recitation of poems on Prophet's birthday


Recitation of poems

Turkmens of Iran hold a glorious feast for the birth anniversary of the Prophet. They believe that he was born on the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal. Their celebration includes recitation of poems and mentioning the merits of the Prophet. If the day falls in Monday, they hold the feast more gloriously.


Naming of children

Faithful people try to name their newborns with the names of Mohammad, Amin and Sadeq on this blessed day. This shows their love of the Prophet and his Infallible Ahl al-Bayt.

Custom of naming children in Iran



The celebration of the Prophet's birthday by both Shia and Sunni Muslims proves their deep love to him and is a sign of unity among Muslims. These diverse and attractive celebrations provide chances for consolidation of social and cultural bonds and remind of common Islamic values.

Key phrases: Prophet's birthday, celebration of Prophet's birthday, beliefs of Shia Muslims, Imam Sadeq, unity of Shias and Sunnis, Who are Ahl al-Bayt?    


