Justice, inclination to youths and artificial intelligence; a look at some of Leader's recommendations to new Iranian government
(last modified Wed, 28 Aug 2024 05:39:21 GMT )
Aug 28, 2024 05:39 UTC
  • Justice, inclination to youths and artificial intelligence; a look at some of Leader's recommendations to new Iranian government

Pars Today- Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says Iran is today known in the world for its science, regional power and strategic depth.

In the first meeting of the president and the members of the new cabinet with the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei, appreciating the quick formation of the government with the effort of the president and the valuable assistance of the parliament, enumerated important points such as observing immediate priorities like inflation and high prices, choice of managers and colleagues, presence among masses of people, necessity of legal governance in cyberspace and heeding production as the key to resolve economic problems.

According to Pars Today, Ayatollah Khamenei, appreciating and venerating people's glorious move in Arbaeen, congratulated the Government Week, and commemorating martyrs Rajaee and Bahonar and also Raeisi and his companions, expressed hope that the Government Week will be the week of hope, joyful tidings and reports all years of the service of the 14th administration.

The Leader, described the timely formation of the government as a divine favor and a great blessing, and thanked all those who, after the martyrdom of Mr. Raeisi and his companions, helped administer the country normally and hold a safe and healthy election, including those members of the previous administration, national media (the IRIB) and other apparatuses.

Ayatollah Khamenei, in his first speech to the new administration, described the opportunity of service to the people and endeavor for the country's progress as a great divine blessing and added, "Appreciate this trust of God and people and know that the 4 year of service passes as quick as a flash, yet, within this very period, great jobs can be done just as Amir Kabir did great jobs in three years and dear Raeisi, in nearly three years of service, set up good foundations the fruit of which the country will benefit, God willing."

He called natural and plentiful capacities, geographical location, being in the cross-roads of north-south and west-east of the world and enjoying long coasts as the material capacities and added, "Religious and political belief of the people, human talents and millions of educated youths are the unmatched wealth, which, if we recognize them and make use of their thought and power, many problems will be resolved."

Ayatollah Khamenei said the Iranian nation enjoys the capacity of producing genius and, naming some of notables such as Khajeh Nasir Tousi, Ibn Sina, Molla Sadra and Zakaria Razi, reiterated, "These are the sign of infinite capacity of intellectual soaring of the Iranian nation and now, too, we can bring up genius from the talented youths of the country."

Imam Khamenei, enumerated the political capacities, strategic depth and regional power as other capacities of Iran, and added, "The positive and negative experiences of the recent 45 years are among the most valuable points which should be taken into consideration."

Some necessary points in choosing colleagues of the new administration were also mentioned by the Leader. He said, "Choose young, faithful, revolutionary, committed and motivated colleagues to untie the knots; and bringing them up in various managerial levels from below, a generation of prominent and motivated managers will be formed gradually for the future of the country."

Ayatollah Khamenei told the president, "Make use of one hundred youths with these characteristics and in the end of the government, deliver one hundred strong and ready managers which is a very great job. Of course, martyr Raeisi had made some progress in this field."

He then emphasized on the issue of experts and said, "I have a firm belief in making use of experts as, besides making the country advance and satisfying the people, will make governance wise and thoughtful and will save it from the circle of working in a limited, comradely and ordered working."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, referring to Imam Ali's statement, said, "As in consultation and asking expertise, one should not consult with the stingy, cowardly and greedy, because their behavioral dispositions affects their expertise and consultations and will cause problem."

Ayatollah Khamenei described faith, honesty, awareness and belief in the internal and national abilities as necessary features of a useful expert and said, "An expert who is after the threadbare, old and invalid foreign versions has no use."

Imam Khamenei, then, recommended the statesmen to be among people and added, "Do not pay attention to these words that 'if you take a provincial trip, it is populism and demagoguery, because being aware of the life of the people is not possible through cartable and written reports even if they are good reports. Therefore, pursue provincial trips and being among people, including villages, and decision-making on the basis of observations and what you hear."

Another important point highlighted by the Leader was the issue of justice. Describing justice not as a merely administrative, bureaucratic and ceremonial appendix to the laws, but a real issue within the laws and programs, he said, "The justice appendix means that the centers like the Planning and Budget Organization which takes over decision-making and preparation of bills and laws or a group assigned by the president are to evaluate the effect of programs and laws on the indexes of social justice, such as class gap; and in case of increase of class gap, omit that part from the program."

Imam Khamenei, referring to production of a software by a group of academic youths related to compatibility of programs and laws with the justice appendix, called on the officials to invite this group and benefit from their product if it is useful, and stressed, "Justice will not materialize with repeated saying and verbal mentioning, it rather requires motive and entering the field, which fortunately, the president enjoys this motive and it should be acted in a way that no official violates the path leading to justice."

He called nuclear energy as one of the infrastructural and essential priorities for the future of the country.

Meeting of Iranian new government members with Leader of Islamic Revolution 

The Leader named the government's plans in completing the north-south and east-west corridors among other unrelinquishable priorities with regards to the country's important communicative capacities, and added, "The issue of food security, self-sufficiency in wheat, modern irrigation methods in agriculture, development of upstream sectors of oil and the most possible usage of facilities to employ new methods of oil and gas extraction and also production of varied and numerous products in downstream sectors are other priorities of the country."

Ayatollah Khamenei, then, pointed to the cyberspace and said, "Today, the cyberspace is no more cyber, rather it is a developing reality in the people's life. Thus, there should be a legal governance on the cyberspace."

Imam Khamenei stressed, "Violation of governance is not acceptable. The country is in your control and you have a duty and mission towards it, and you should not allow your governance to be violated."

Stressing the basis of his remarks on the cyberspace and the insistence of some persons to misunderstand them, he said, "If the cyberspace is legalized in the country, it will turn into an opportunity, but without legal governance, it will turn into a threat."

The Leader reminded of the significance of artificial intelligence and the strange and amazing speed of this technology in the world, saying, "Now, our military and civil apparatuses are exploiting this technology, but this usage should not deceive us, as mere exploitation is not an advantage, rather one should overcome the deep and varied layers of this technology."

Imam Khamenei warned that falling behind in overcoming the deep layers of artificial intelligence will cause another monopolized limitation like atomic energy in the hands of the countries dominating over this technology and added, "The opportunists and power-seekers in the world will set up an agency of artificial intelligence and will not allow other countries to enter some of the sections and layers of it."

The Leader then highlighted production and increase of supply as the key to resolve economic problems and said, "With strengthening and taking serious the issue of production, the problems of inflation, employment and the value of national currency will be resolved."

Ayatollah Khamenei, then, pointed to the danger of early oldness of the country's population, and stressing the necessity of dynamism and resilience of policies proportionate with the needs of the country, said, "The health minister has to pursue the issue of population seriously and, through necessary measures, including the control of hygiene network, remove the obstacles of population increase, since the country needs a young population; and once it is caught in the bitter consequence of oldness, there will be no remedy."

Ruling out pinning hope in or waiting for the enemy, the Leader said, "This reality was there in the words of the president and the remarks of the foreign minister a few days ago, yet, it does not negate to interact with the enemy somewhere; rather the issue is not to pin hope in and trust him."

The last point stressed by Imam Khamenei was spirituality and enhancement of belief and acts of worship, to have close relation with the Qur'an and appealing humbly to God.

Referring to the officials and the personnel of various government offices as role models for people, the Leader deemed it necessary to pay more attention to the conduct of the statesmen and wished success for them to be in service of Islam, the people and Iran.

Before the Leader's speech, President Masoud Pezeshkian marked the memory of martyrs Rajaee and Bahonar and especially martyr Raeisi, and described the 14th administration as a cabinet which has been formed through consultation with all political factions and specialized committees with the motto of consensus and cooperation in a bid to act within the framework of the general policies of the system, the 20-year perspective document and the 7th development plan.

The president said that the members of the 14th administration are committed to observe principles like truth and justice and added that "addressing the deprived regions" and "heeding those who are not seen" as the two special jobs of the government. He added, "The first step for reforming the affairs of the country is unity, cooperation, clinging to God's cord and solidarity under the guidance of the Leader so that we will be able to stand against all problems and our enemies."

In the end of his remarks, Pezeshkian pointed to the need to avoid personal differences and stressed, "If unity is shaped inside the country and among the Islamic Ummah, the US, Europe and other countries, who are oppressively supporting the crimes of the Zionist regime which commits genocide, will be frustrated."

Key phrases: meeting of 14th cabinet with Leader of Islamic Revolution, 14th government of Islamic Republic of Iran, members of Masoud Pezeshkian administration, important remarks of Ayatollah Khamenei

