Jun 26, 2024 12:25 UTC
  • Over %70 of Iranians support nuclear power despite Western sanctions

Pars Today- According to a new study, in spite of sanctions and pressures imposed by the West, more than 70 percent of Iranian people support their country's turning into a nuclear power.

Six years after the US former President Donald Trump's unilateral exit from the nuclear agreement with Iran, known as Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and almost four years after his successor, Joe Biden, has failed to rejoin it, the United States has no clear and logical policy towards Iran.

According to Pars Today, the American Conservative magazine criticizing the US policies against Iran's becoming a nuclear power, wrote, "If the criterion of success is defined with denial of Iran's nuclear ability, this policy has failed, then, as Iran has become highly able."

The writer stresses, "The threats and moves of the Western countries may force Iran to abandon NPT, expel the International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors and, through enhancement of abilities, even embark on production of nuclear arms."

Such a measure naturally can be popular among both the elite and the public in Iran, since they witness the illogical oppression of the West against their country and other countries.

The latest opinion polls in this regard indicate that: approximately 70 percent of Iranians support possession of nuclear power despite Western sanctions. According to Kelsey Davenport, Director for Nonproliferation Policy at the Arms Control Association, based in the US, "If under the Western pressure, Iran decides to produce uranium with arms degree, it may take one week. After that, it will take 6 months to one year for Iran to make bomb. Such a development is a serious challenge ahead of the US: tolerating Iran's bomb or military move to prevent it?

The first option is politically unpleasant and impossible for every US president; and the second option requires full-scale aggression on a country four times larger than Iraq with an army and a network of very strong allies and proxies and an incomparable great military, technological and human power which is beyond of the American ability.

The status quo also shows that the West's efforts to isolate Iran are shaking. American Conservative continues, "A much better move for the United States is to join the JCPOA once more or negotiation for an alternative realistic agreement. This will allow Washington to concentrate on its national security challenges. These challenges include border correction with Mexico, correction of engagement with Russia and focusing on the US' only geopolitical rival, China.


Key phrases: Iran's nuclear power, Isolation of Iran, Failure of Western policies, War with Iran     


