Imam Hossein sacrificed himself and his family to rescue mankind from ignorance and oppression / Arbaeen of Savior of man
(last modified 2024-08-25T12:19:56+00:00 )
Aug 25, 2024 12:19 UTC
  • Some of the participants in Arbaeen of Imam Hossein with Palestinian flags and symbolic military garment
    Some of the participants in Arbaeen of Imam Hossein with Palestinian flags and symbolic military garment

Pars Today- An Iranian university professor, saying that the expanse of Imam Hossein's mission is not limited merely to Muslims, but the entire mankind and freedom-seeking people in the world, stressed, "That's why the message of Arbaeen is capable of influence."

University professor, Seyyed Masoum Baqerpoor, said, "Imam Hossein (Peace upon him) is a prominent and unique personality who belongs to all ages and generations. Indeed, he is a transnational and trans-religious personality."

According to Pars Today, quoting from IRNA, Baqerpoor stating that Imam Hossein's uprising was not personal, but it was a historical current with a divine tradition, added, "The radius of his mission does not encompass Muslims only, it rather encompasses the whole mankind and all freedom-seeking men in the world. That's why, the message of Arbaeen is capable of influencing and today no school and course has been able, like Arbaeen, to spread its magnetic attraction across the world to draw and gather the loving hearts miraculously."


Arbaeen; fruit of Ashura

In response to the question on how Arbaeen has been yielded from Ashura, this university professor said, "In fact, Arbaeen is the product and fruit of Ashura and whatever endeavor and sacrifice that Imam Hossein made on the day of Ashura, yielded on Arbaeen."

This religious expert, announcing that Arbaeen is the place to display the most beautiful ethical and mystic manifestations of Imam Hossein and his companions, added, "As for the importance of Arbaeen, it is enough that Imam Hossein's tragedy is heavier and more intensive than those of other members of the Ahl al-Bayt [so that] even for the Prophet and Imam Ali we don't have Arbaeen and this shows the severity and depth of the tragedy of Karbala."

Baqerpoor went on to say, "His [Imam Hossein's] martyrdom didn't occur on the day of the event, rather he was a martyr from the very beginning. According to the Ziyarah of Arbaeen, the blood of his heart, which was his pure blood, was shed to save a number of mean persons from ignorance and imbecility; that is, those who were entrapped in the world and sold their Hereafter with the meanest and most ignoble behaviors."


Reference to uses of Arbaeen

This university professor, in response to the question, what the usage of Arbaeen can be, answered, "Arbaeen is a great spiritual capacity which everyone should converge under its umbrella; since it is the factor of solidarity, consensus and accord of the ummahs. As a matter of fact, it is the fulcrum of affection, rationality, convergence and unity of each and every faithful and Muslim and the human community which is zealously seeking the clean school of Hossein."


Arbaeen's nature is civilization-building

Baqerpoor said that today Arbaeen has social-political and cultural usages and continued, "This is due to the fact that the nature of Arbaeen indicates self-building, society-building, civilization-building and moving towards combating oppression and disavowal of any uncleanness and meanness."

This university lecturer, calling capacity-making as another usage of Arbaeen, made it clear," This important point brings the hearts together and strengthens the spirit of brotherhood among people and all freedom-seeking persons in the world. It is this love and affection towards Imam Hossein which has gathered all tastes and tendencies from among communities to turn plurality to unity and differences and disunity to cordiality."

Baqerpoor, referring to combating oppression as the third usage of Arbaeen, said, "Oppression in any shape or from anyone is reprehensible and has situational effect and will makes one stonehearted and disturbs his spirit."

This expert of religious issues, went on to say, "After the passing away of the Prophet of Islam, the structure of Islam was deviated and the Umayyad regime used minbar [pulpit] as its greatest media to demonstrate truth as falsehood and falsehood as truth, so that after the Ashura of 61 AH, Yazid thought that everything was over and Hossein and his companions were killed and his family were captivated."

Baqerpoor continued, "Those who stood against Imam Hossein (Peace upon him) and committed such a crime, were masquerading as Muslims. Yazid introduced himself as the successor of the Prophet, called Imam Hossein as renegade who has rioted against his Imam of the age, was opposed the Islamic rule, caused chaos in society and brought about difference and rift among the Ummah!!!!"

He then made it clear, "In fact, the catastrophes which happened in the year 61 AH, were [the battlefield] where the two kinds of Islam encountered one another: The Islam of truth and the Islam of falsehood. The Islam of falsehood had taken the surface of religion and emptied it from reality. In the words of Imam Ali in Nahj ol-Balagha, "They covered an inside out cloth on Islam. Indeed, they wanted to demolish Islam and make it devoid of its essence."


Arbaeen, symbol of true patience and serenity

This university professor highlighted patience as the fourth lesson and usage of Arbaeen and states, "No doubt, Arbaeen is the symbol of patience, steadfastness and true serenity; the emblem of this modesty and dignity is Hazrat Zeinab (Peace upon her)."

Baqerpoor then saying that Lady Zeinab's role is laudable both in moving towards Karbala, during the event of Ashura and after it, reiterated, "Her prudence and management after the martyrdom of her noble brother and the homelessness of children, directing and controlling the crisis after Ashura, nursing and protecting Imam Sajjad, safeguarding his life, exposing the current of hypocrisy in Kufa, breaking the pillars of Yazid's rule, awakening the dormant minds of people of Syria is so outstanding and profound that it was able to set the ground for uprising against the oppressive rule."


Everlasting heroine

Baqerpoor went on to say, "The people of Syria, hearing the news of the return of the caravan of captives, reveled as they had the grudge of the household of Imam Hossein for a long time, Yet, they were soon impressed with the sermon of this everlasting heroine."

 He then said that patience against mishaps and calamities of life teaches us today how to learn from the culture of Zeinab, and added, "Had there not been this patience and serenity of Zeinab, how would have the event of Karbala become eternal?"

This university professor stated, "The mission of Lady Zeinab, sermon of Zeinab, patience and steadfastness of Zeinab, firmness and awe of Zeinab not only shook the palace of oppression and tyranny to its foundation, but also provided the ground for victory, eternity, dignity and real power of Islam and it became eternal forever."

Baqerpoor said, "This is the concept [to say that] Arbaeen is the offspring of Ashura and, to make it immortalize it, Imam Hossein and his companions sacrifice their lives."

This religious expert concluded that today the message of Arbaeen is unity, solidarity and accord of Muslims. He said, Freedom, human ethics, standing against oppression, removal of hypocrisy, negation of hypocrisy and duplicity, patience and steadfastness, truth-seeking and fairness are the important specifications of the message of Arbaeen which everyone should pay attention to it in belief and practice and abide by the rights of humans."


Key phrases: What is Arbaeen? Arbaeen, Who is Imam Hossein? Prophet's Ahl al-Bayt, Where is Karbala?



