Syria, Russia slam politicization of Syrian chemical file
(last modified Tue, 05 Oct 2021 11:55:28 GMT )
Oct 05, 2021 11:55 UTC
  • Syria, Russia slam politicization of Syrian chemical file

Syria and Russia have slammed continued politicization of the Arab country’s chemical file by certain countries, maintaining that the Damascus government has honored its commitments under the Chemical Weapons Convention, contrary to the claims made by Western states and their allies.

According to reports, speaking at a UN Security Council meeting on Monday, Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Bassam Sabbagh rejected a series of allegations made at the session by some participating countries, including the US, France, and Britain, that the Damascus government was violating the Chemical Weapons Convention and failing to cooperate with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

He said Syria vehemently opposes the use of chemical weapons under any circumstances, has voluntarily joined the Chemical Weapons Convention and fulfilled its obligations under the treaty, and is eager to cooperate with the OPCW to close its file as soon as possible.

The Syrian diplomat said the statements of some countries at the session showed that they are still adamant not to admit the truth, continue to politicize the Syrian chemical file, and level baseless accusations at the Damascus government.

Sabbagh added that Syria regrets the absence of impartiality in the briefings of United Nations Under-Secretary-General of Disarmament Affairs Izumi Nakamitsu.

The Syrian diplomat went on to say that the OPCW fact-finding committee still does not want to accept the fact that terrorist groups wreaking havoc in Syria are in possession of toxic chemicals, denouncing the smear campaign being waged against his country.

Sabbagh said that Syria and other countries have frequently demanded a review of the report on the alleged chemical attack in the city of Douma, and that the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has also admitted that there were serious flaws in a Radio 4 documentary on the purported assault on April 7, 2018.

The Syrian UN ambassador added that some member states of the UN Security Council insist on politicization of the Syrian chemical file by calling into question the Arab country’s cooperation with the OPCW, turning a blind eye to the activities of terrorist groups in Syria and manipulating mechanisms in order to pass a resolution against Syria.

Defending Syria at the session, the Russian representative likewise said the OPCW has turned into a politicized instrument used by Western states to punish the unwanted governments.

The Syrian chemical dossier has long ceased to have anything to do with the issue of non‑proliferation of chemical weapons, said Russia, adding that Damascus continues to implement its obligations under the Convention.


