Jul 03, 2024 05:24 UTC
  • Foreign Policy: Yemen has made conditions very hard for US and allies
    Foreign Policy: Yemen has made conditions very hard for US and allies

Pars Today- American magazine, Foreign Policy, admitted the weakness of the navies of US and its allies, against the military might of Yemeni armed forces, to defend the security of the ships heading toward the ports of the Occupied Palestine.

Pars Today, quoting from Mehr news agency, reported that FP, pointing to the exorbitant military expense of the naval coalition of the US and its European allies in Yemen, explained, "The naval forces of the US and its allies in the Red Sea, after several months of broad marine operation against Sana'a, have not only been bogged down before it, but also these intervals, restive conditions and high military expenses, have deteriorated circumstances more than ever."

Foreign Policy, referring to the remarks of military experts, wrote, "Yemeni armed forces have proved that they have an amazing ability and they enjoy a level of high action in addition to a large arsenal which, without overestimation, can put the Western naval coalition in trouble."

This American magazine also admitted that the attacks of Sana'a are exclusively done against the ships which are related to Israel or the countries supporting this regime and those invading Yemen.

Foreign Policy stressed that although the United States and Britain have made a lot of efforts to undermine the military power of the Yemenis in targeting the ships moving towards the ports of the Occupied Palestine, these efforts have been very expensive and fruitless for them.

FP disclosed that the US navy and the companies of military industries, like Raytheon, are in pursuit of replacement of less expensive weapons to confront Yemeni arms.

On the other hand, the American website, Business Insider, in a report admitted the power of Yemen's guided frigates and wrote, "The Yemeni unmanned boats, some of which are extraordinary and unique, with respect to the shortage of the American aircraft carriers in the region, are considered as a serious threat to crossing of ships towards Israeli ports."

During the recent months, the Yemeni army, in support for the resistance of the Palestinian nation in the Gaza Strip, has targeted several ships in the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab Strait which were headed towards the Occupied Territories.

The forces of Yemeni army are committed to continue their attacks against the ships of the Zionist regime and those moving towards the Occupied Territories until this regime has not stopped its attacks in Gaza.

Key phrases: Yemeni army forces, Foreign Policy magazine, American navy, Red Sea, Zionist ship

