New Israeli crisis: %25 rise of soldiers' addiction and new record of psychological diseases
(last modified Wed, 14 Aug 2024 06:14:54 GMT )
Aug 14, 2024 06:14 UTC
  • New Israeli crisis: %25 rise of soldiers' addiction and new record of psychological diseases

Pars Today- Israeli medical sources have informed of a surge in drug addiction among the Zionists especially military forces after the Gaza war.

In view of the growth of psychological disorders and diseases and crisis of drug addiction among the Zionists after the al-Aqsa Operation on October 7, 2023, the sources affiliated to the health sector of the regime reported that drug consumption has terribly increased among Israelis.

According to Pars Today, quoting from Tasnim news agency, Shaul Loran, specialist of psychological diseases in the city of Netanya, said in an interview, "After the Gaza war, we are witness to a notable surge of consumption of various sedative drugs, whether prescribed medicines, illegal medicines or alcoholic drinks and addictive behaviors like, gambling among Israelis. These are natural reactions to overcome psychological pressures."

Speaking to France Press, he added, "The team of addiction and psychological health center has conducted a research on nearly 1000 people from different Israeli community strata which reveals that the consumption of narcotics has increased almost %25 among them after the Gaza war. In fact, one out of every Israeli has increased the consumption of addictive drugs since the start of the Gaza war."

This specialist of psychological and mental ailments stressed, "After the Gaza war, the consumption of hypnotic and sedative medicines has increased %180 and %70 in November and December, 2023 respectively. Many of the patients are those whose children have gone to Gaza for war and say that they cannot sleep due to anxiety."

"Yoni" is the nom de guerre of a Zionist youth who had been summoned for military service by the army. He postponed his entry to army due to strong addiction to narcotics. This 19-year-old youth says, "I have started the consumption of narcotics since the outbreak of coronavirus crisis, but my health has deteriorated after the start of the Gaza war."

He added, "The narcotics consumption is indeed a way for escape from reality. In the first months of the war, I started consumption of exhilarating drugs such as ecstasy, MDM, LSD and gradually this consumption increased. Now I know that I am an addict and I should go to a rehabilitation center."

Yashir Metan is another member of the Israeli Occupying army who said to France Press in Gaza, "With narcotics consumption, I try to forget everything. We know that war is useless, but we are forced to take part in it."

Dr. Loran then continued his interview with France Press, "According to the researches, it is quite clear that we are in the brink of a catastrophic epidemic and aggravation of narcotics addiction will encompass a big part of the Israeli society."

Furthermore, the Hebrew language daily, Haaretz, has recently disclosed that the research conducted by the psychologists of the Israeli universities reveals that at least %40 of Israelis have been suffering from psychological and spiritual ailments such as depression after October 7, 2023.

It should be noted that the Hebrew language media repeatedly speak of the broad increase of psychological problems among the Zionist military involved in the Gaza war.

Yediot Aharonot had just announced that the spread of spiritual and psychological ailments among the Zionist military has caused the medical officials of the army to set up a special section for psychological rehabilitation of the military forces and invited many psychiatrists for cooperation.

This Zionist daily adds that one of the causes for this decision is the high increase of suicide inclination among the Israeli military.

Key phrases: Gaza war, Israeli youth, Israeli crisis, war in Palestine   

