October 7 reaction to seven decades of carnage, exile, invasion / What West doesn't say about history
(last modified 2024-10-20T12:43:58+00:00 )
Oct 20, 2024 12:43 UTC
  • Right: Woman who has lost her family in Israeli bombardment in 1982
Left: Palestinian woman in 2023
    Right: Woman who has lost her family in Israeli bombardment in 1982 Left: Palestinian woman in 2023

Pars Today - During the past years, Israel has usurped more than %60 of the territories and the entire water resources of the Palestinians in favor of the Jewish settlers and kept Gaza under racist military siege till 2005.

Israel has started the wide carnage of the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip since 7 decades ago. These measures have continued continuously and regularly with the support of the Westerners, particularly the US, the EU and Britain. Pars Today, quoting from Middle East Eye, reports that these countries have repeated the cliché phrase of "Israel has the right to defend itself" to cover up the innumerable crimes of the fake regime against the Palestinians. This, while the Israeli self-defense exactly means massacre of civilians and flagrant violation of human rights.

One of these cases of violation of human rights happened in August 2022. Israel martyred 49 Palestinians, including 17 children, during three days of aerial attacks on Gaza. The reaction of the US and the EU to this crime was the repeated sentence, "Israel has the right to defend itself". They, also, expressed a very mild regret over murdering of Palestinian civilians. Thus, they turned a blind eye to the Israeli crimes. This was the last great Israeli carnage in Gaza before the current war.

To understand these series of violence better, let us go back to 1951 when the fabricated Zionist regime launched its first attacks on Gaza. Since the end of 1947 till the summer of 1950, Israel had expelled hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes in different regions including Gaza. In October 1951, the usurper regime attacked Gaza and martyred scores of Palestinians and Egyptians, destroyed houses and exploded wells to prevent them from returning home. At that time, the international observers, instead of supporting "Israel's right to defend itself", described the crime as a "horrible case of intentional massacre".

These crimes were not limited to Gaza. In august 1949, Israeli soldiers arrested two Palestinian refugees. These beasts killed the man and then the 22 soldiers raped the woman one after another and finally killed her.

In March 1950, abducted 2 girls and a boy in Gaza. They killed the boy and raped the girls and killed them, too. These kinds of violence persisted for years leading to raping of Palestinian women who tried to return home.

In 1953, the forces of unit 101 of the fake regime's army threw bombs into the huts of Palestinian refugees in Buraij camp and murdered at least 20 of them, including women and children. In the same year, Israeli soldiers martyred 70 Palestinian civilians in Qubya village of the West Bank. Even the pro-Israel magazines, like National Jewish Post, resembled the massacre to the crimes of the German Nazis.

In 1955, the fabricated Zionist regime attacked an Egyptian military base in Gaza and killed 36 Egyptian soldiers and two civilian Palestinians. After the attack, the people of Gaza asked the Egyptian officials to give them arms to defend against the Israeli attacks. These series of discontent finally resulted in formation of the groups of Palestinians who were ready to sacrifice their lives for the country and people. These groups launched operations against Israel in the same year.

In 1956, Israel bombed the city of Khan Yunes and massacred hundreds of Palestinians. Then the Zionist ground forces entered the city and executed the resistance forces. Furthermore, they gathered the men and boys above 15 in the refugee camps and murdered them with machine guns. According to the figures, 300-500 were mass murdered in this brutal act most of whom were civilians and refugees of 1948.

This criminal trend continued for decades. In 1967, the illegitimate regime occupied Gaza again and expelled 75,000 Palestinians from the region. During the next years, Israel has usurped more than %60 of the territories and the entire water resources of the Palestinians in favor of the Jewish settlers and kept Gaza under racist military siege till 2005. Thus, the Gaza Strip turned into the "Vast Camp of Prisoners" and Israel has massacred thousands of civilians ever since through aerial attacks.

Since October 7, 2023, the fake Zionist regime has started a new round of broad massacre in Gaza. The only victory that the criminal regime has gained in this war is the massacre of tens of thousands of civilians and making over two million people homeless. While Palestinians continue stiff resistance in spite of shortage of arms and basic needs, Israel has only been able to destroy houses, hospitals, schools and all other vital infrastructures.

Yet, the United States and some of the European regimes continue their unstinting support for Israel. Jake Sullivan, the US National Security Advisor, has gone to the extent to call the Palestinian resistance as the "enemy" of the US. Regrettably, some countries, affected by the West, keep supporting Israel with the pretext of "right to defend itself", while the war crimes against the Palestinian people are escalating on a daily basis.

Source: Israel's mass murder of Palestinian in Gaza began seven decades ago, MEE, Massad Joseph, 2024.


Key phrases: crime in Gaza, October 7, war of Israel and Gaza, Palestinian resistance



