Amnesty warns of Egypt's 'parallel justice system'
(last modified Wed, 27 Nov 2019 17:56:03 GMT )
Nov 27, 2019 17:56 UTC
  • Amnesty warns of Egypt's 'parallel justice system'

Amnesty International has warned that Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi's government had built a "parallel justice system" to crack down on critics and dissent.

The London-based rights watchdog said the key tools of repression were the Supreme State Security Prosecution service, known as the SSSP, as well as counter-terrorism courts and special police forces.

"In Sisi's Egypt, all critics of the government are seen as potential terrorists," Amnesty's France director Katia Roux said at the launch of the 60-page report in Paris on Wednesday.

In its report entitled "Permanent State of Exception", Amnesty said it had observed a sharp rise in cases prosecuted by the SSSP -- from 529 in 2013 to 1,739 cases last year.

The prosecution -- which deals with activities deemed threats to state security -- regularly probes political dissidents from the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group.

Philip Luther, Amnesty's Middle East and North Africa Research and Advocacy Director, warned that the SSSP had flagrantly abused its power.

It has "become a central tool of repression whose primary goal appears to be arbitrarily detaining and intimidating critics, all in the name of counter-terrorism," he said.

The SSSP, along with the Egyptian National Security Agency (NSA), a special police force, and counter-terrorism courts "have emerged as a parallel justice system for detaining, interrogating and trying peaceful dissidents," he said.

The report noted that many detainees are forced to languish in prison for lengthy stretches of "pre-trial detention", without any hope of a legal reprieve or of a case being opened.

"Many are detained for months and years without evidence, based on secret police investigations and without recourse to an effective remedy," it added.

