US journalist: What would Western media have done, had Russia killed 170 journalists?
(last modified Wed, 14 Aug 2024 06:20:43 GMT )
Aug 14, 2024 06:20 UTC
  • US journalist: What would Western media have done, had Russia killed 170 journalists?

Pars Today- Since the start of the Gaza war on October 7, 2023, the Zionist regime army, in addition to the list filled with every kind of crime, has murdered 170 Palestinian journalists and injured many of them badly in a bid to cause obstruction in the course of news dissemination from the Gaza Strip.

According to Pars Today, famous American writer and journalist, Mark Glenn, had an interview with the Iranian Mehr news agency in which he spoke of the double standards of the Western countries vis-à-vis the Palestinian issue. Below is the full text of his interview:

Q: During the war in Gaza, tens of journalists have been targeted and killed. Can this large number of killings of journalists by the Israeli regime's troops be considered accidental or they have been targeted intentionally?

A: It is an absolute fact that all rational and, especially those who understand how the Jewish State operates, can assume that these journalists are being deliberately and systematically murdered by Israel. The Jewish State, being built on a foundation of lies, falsehoods and deceptions, engages in the business of saying 'OOPS' whenever she perpetuates some infamous criminal act such as bombing a school full of children or the killing of journalists, but this is just part of her act. Not only does she deliberately murder journalists, but enjoys doing it.

Q: Why does Israel target journalists while journalists and media are considered necessary for the promotion of democracy across the world?

Israel, being 'The Jewish State', is the result of thousands of years of Jews being 'stateless' people. During that thousands-of-years frame, the Jews lived amongst every type of Gentile civilization that existed. Whether it was Greece, Rome, Persia, Europe, the Middle East, Far East, Jews were there, and during their time in those locales, they learned how Gentiles think and thus how Gentiles behave in accordance with those thought patterns. It is for this reason therefore, that shortly after Theodor Herzl held his infamous 1st Zionist Congress in 1897 that organized Jewry, intent upon soon stealing Palestine and the rest of the Middle East, began buying up all modes of mass media in existence at that time, and especially in America and the West. They understood that what they were planning to do required OWNING the minds of the people in those countries and this meant controlling what people saw, heard, read and thought.

Having said this, the question posed here, i.e. 'Why does Israel target journalists and media while journalists and media are considered necessary for promotion of democracy across the world?' answers itself. Israel is not interested in 'democracy', never was, never will be. Like any prostitute who wears a lot of perfume in hiding the stench of her diseased body and diseased soul, likewise the Jewish State wears the 'perfume' of pretending to be like any Western liberal state and she does this by calling herself a 'democracy', when in fact, hers is a system that more resembles ISIS and the Islamic State that ISIS seeks to create, which is a backwards terrorist political system that does not tolerate discussion or dissent.

Q: As you know journalists are considered observers of democracy in Western countries and Europe, but they have kept silent in face of the killing of journalists by the Israeli regime. Why? How can these double standards be justified? What would the Western media and journalists do if Russian troops killed more than 100 journalists in the Ukraine war?

A: As we mentioned earlier, organized Jewry began buying all the modes of mass communication over a century ago and having achieved this, they began the process of 'legislating' what those newspapers and news organizations were allowed to discuss, and any journalist who ran afoul of that was not only fired, but was run out of the business entirely. The Jews do not tolerate dissent or disagreement with whatever position they have taken, and their theft of the Middle East is at the very top of this list.

Essentially, it is a part of human nature that people want to be applauded. It is also part of human nature that people are more inclined to do what is easy than they are to do what is morally right, and journalists are no exception. I can testify personally what happens when journalists tell truths that threaten the system- they are ostracized, alienated, cut off and in many cases are threatened with legal actions for the things they write and say, even when these things are true.

The reality is that there are very few 'independent' media outlets willing to paint a picture that is complete and accurate. All make the claim that each is 'fearless' in telling the truth, but when it comes to painting the entire picture, they inevitably leave out MAJOR details that if they were provided, would change the story completely. My general rule when deciding whether a particular journalist or a particular media outlet is trustworthy is to find out what the Jews say about it, and if what they say is negative, then that media outlet or journalist has just passed the first test for me in earning my trust.

Q: What measures can be taken by journalists and activists across the world to defend journalists' lives in Gaza?

A: Unfortunately, we are in a situation similar to a mouse fighting a gorilla. Israel, America and the West are almost impossible to defeat, given their military power, their money and their influence around the world.

But things are changing in this regard. As a result of the genocide that began after October 7th, the perfume and the breath freshener that Israel, America and the West have always utilized in hiding the stench of death that accompanies them everywhere they go is wearing off. Conscientious nations, following the example set by the Islamic Republic of Iran, have begun the process of coming out of their collective coma and now are coalescing their energies, efforts and influence in fighting this monster. It is impossible to say when the tipping point will come, but the very notion that Israel is concentrating so much of her efforts in seeing Iran destroyed reveals how nervous she is, and while this is certainly an issue for concern, given Israel's bloodlust, it is also reason to be encouraged, because some day, hopefully soon, the world will flush the toilet on the Jewish State and send her back to the sewers of hell where she came from and where she belongs.

Key phrases: Mark Glenn, rights of journalists, journalists in Palestine, Gaza war, Israeli regime

