Time to save humanity from US threats
(last modified Fri, 21 Sep 2018 15:29:58 GMT )
Sep 21, 2018 15:29 UTC

The US is the greatest destabilizing factor and wherever Washington pokes its nose that country or region lose their peace and security with terrorism ruling the roost, as is the case in Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, Yemen, and other places.

In view of these undeniable facts, the free world has begun to feel necessity of standing up to American threats and mobilizing efforts for defeating Uncle Sam’s devilish design.

Now we have a viewpoint column that appeared in this regard in Iran’s English language daily Kayhan International titled: Time to save humanity from US threats”.

Kayhan International wrote: “The message from Tehran, following Friday’s visit to the Iranian capital by the presidents of Russia and Turkey for a tripartite summit with the host country’s president, and before start of which the two visiting dignitaries’ meeting with the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, is loud and clear.

“Though the theme of the talks was common for the three countries which are facing illegal American sanctions and which are determined to see Syria cleared of the presence of terrorists of all hue and colour that are backed by the US – the chief mischief-monger still trying to destabilize West Asia despite the firm verdict of the regional people against Washington’s unwanted military presence – the indication of the success of the Tehran gathering were the words of Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in his separate meetings with President Vladimir Putin and Tayyeb Rajab Erdoghan.

“The US poses a threat to humanity” but it is possible to successfully contain the Americans through cooperation, as could be gleaned from the “real defeat’
Washington has suffered in Syria where it failed to achieve its nefarious goals, he told President Putin, an Orthodox Christian, who it is worth recalling had last November following his meeting in Tehran with Ayatollah Khamenei, said he felt like meeting Jesus (peace upon him).

“On Friday, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution pointed to Putin that the US bid to change the system of government in Iran is nothing new, since “for the past forty years the US has been trying to topple the Islamic Republic of Iran, but we have grown over 40 times (more powerful) in this period, which means Iran’s resistance and its achievements is another successful example of containment of the US.”

Kayhan International pointed out that “on the same day Ayatollah Khamenei in his meeting with President Rajab Tayyeb Erdoghan stressed that “unity and cooperation among Muslim states will definitely facilitate the resolution of problems and that is why hegemonic powers, led by the US, are scared of the knitting of ranks of the Ummah and formation of an Islamic power.”

“The Turkish president who is currently the target of the devilish designs of the US, said lack of coherence among Muslim states was the reason of the present pathetic situation, and the answer lies “in greater solidarity and fraternity among independent Muslim states, especially Turkey and Iran, to counter the plots of the West.”

“In view of these statements as well as the wording of the joint communique released by the presidents of Iran, Russia, and Turkey following their tripartite talks, whatever the minor differences in the viewpoints of the three countries on how to tackle the situation in Syria, one thing is crystal clear. All efforts should be make for a political situation, if not the offensive on Idlib, the last remaining hideout of the terrorists in Syria, cannot be further delayed and is essential if the terrorists turn down the overtures of the government in Damascus to surrender.

“Full preparations have been made by Syria and its allies for deliverance of the three-and-a-half million civilian population being held hostage by the estimated 50-thousand odd terrorists, with the minimum loss and with necessary relief measures for the people that might be displaced, even if these macabre criminals resort to their worn-out tactic of gassing sections of civilians under their rule in a bid to blame Damascus and solicit support from the US – ironically the principal supplier of the dangerous chemicals to them.”

Kayhan International said: “The US very well knows the consequences of military meddling. If the US and its accomplices (chiefly Saudi Arabia and Israel) are foolish enough to order the terrorists to use chemicals, then all hell will break loose on not just the perpetrators but also their backers, and this time they will be made to suffer physical losses, as the patience of the Syrian government is running thin vis-à-vis the repeated acts of aggressions of its enemies.

“Iran, Turkey and Russia which are eager to expand their economic and commercial relations as well, want stability in the region, and the three countries think that their joint cooperation, not just in Syria but also in several bilateral and multilateral fields, is capable of defeating the different diabolical designs of the Great Satan, which has neither any justification to prolong its continued illegal military presence nor its unilateral measures to undermine international accords to impose sanctions on the Free World.

“As said earlier, the evil of the American administration can be contained and rolled back from the entire region including Iraq, Yemen, the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea and also Afghanistan, if Tehran, Moscow, and Anakara, which have stable economies and thriving political systems, further coordinate their stances and solidify their joint will to defuse the flames of the crises being fanned by the US and its accomplices in crimes against humanity, including Saturday’s sedition in Basra where miscreants on the payroll of the US and Saudi Arabia burned down the Iranian consulate and offices of parties that won the recent parliamentary polls in Iraq, in a vain bid to prevent the emergence of an independent and broad-based national government in Baghdad.”

