Nov 14, 2018 15:28 UTC
  • Status of Women in the West (19)

In the year 2015, the British Academy announced that the number of women joining Daesh terrorist outfit is 550 most of whom are from the European and western countries. Hayat Boumeddiene, wife of Daesh member Amedy Coulibaly, the prime suspect of Montrouge shooting in France is one of these female terrorists. This arises the question: Why are the western girls attracted to Daesh and abandon their families?

Daesh is the acronym for a terrorist grouplet which has its roots in Salafi-Takfiri thoughts and ultimately the Wahhabi cult ruling Arabia for the past 8 decades. This savage outfit has committed gory crimes in Iraq and Syria, excelling those of Genghis Khan and other criminals in history.

 Daesh was set up by Salafi elements separated from al-Qaeda and entered the proxy war with Iraq and Syria at the behest of its US-Zionist-Saudi masters. This savage entity has been exterminated in Syria and Iraq, thanks to the sacred blood of the brave combatants from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan; yet, its backers and sympathizers in Tel-Aviv, Washington and Riyadh are trying to give it artificial respiration to help it keep the tiny chunks of lands at its disposal.

Currently, almost one third of Daesh forces are women and girls who have been trained to carry out terrorist acts. Daily Al-Sharq al-Awsat wrote on April 24, 2017 that the rate of participation of women and girls amounts to 55% of the whole elements of Daesh and most of them are from western countries.

According to the information of EU police (Europol), more than 40% of the western women who have joined Daesh are from the Netherlands and 20% are from Germany and Finland. The report adds that French women comprise 1 third of the female elements of this terrorist grouplet. The report also makes it clear that the number of western women joining Daesh is remarkably on the rise.

The inclination of western women to join terrorist outfits, especially Daesh, brings these questions to the mind: Why do these women volunteer to join an entity which not only humiliates women but also surpasses in bestiality and totalitarianism all its rivals? By the way, how can a kind-hearted mother join Daesh? What are the western women seeking in joining Daesh? How can a woman join an outfit which observes no value for women?

In this part of the program, let us listen to the remarks of the expert of social affairs, Ms. Elham Akhundan,

"Lack of identity, sense of absurdity and insignificance of woman's role have caused women to join extremist groups. If women are trained in a way that they are not ashamed of their gender and do not need manly jobs or playing in male roles to prove their success and progress, they will never submit to improper thoughts easily. Taking into account the valuable status of women and appreciating the marital and maternal role, which have been attached special attention in Islamic teachings, will cause women to be content with their individual, social and family life and not to be spellbound by extremist thoughts and engage in unacceptable acts to prove themselves."

Experts maintain that there are numerous reasons why women join Daesh terrorist outfit. German psychologist, Susan Scorter writes, "Attraction of women to Daesh is the outcome of their romantic imaginations in pursuit of a lovely and unexperienced life."

Director of International Security Studies, Raffaello Pantucci, says that the aim of women to join Takfiri organizations is that they think they can be effective. He says, "They consider themselves as part of a social movement. They dedicate themselves to the group and really believe in its goals and ideals."

Ross Frint is a researcher who has studied the life and remarks of 11 women: 6 British, 2 Dutch, one Canadian and one Austrian. She concludes that the motive for these women doesn't differ from that of 2500 western men who have joined Daesh terrorist outfit. He says that one of the most important reasons and motives of all victims of the deviated thoughts of Daesh is to attain security, immunity and of course identity.

This shows the depth of identity vacuum in the west. To be honest, the west has absolutely failed to return woman to her real status. Western societies, in spite of rendering social services and providing ample consumer goods, have not been able to give sense to the life of people either Muslim or non-Muslim.

American expert, Richardson, wrote in Newsweek, "I have spent a lot of time to examine the activities of English language social networks which support Daesh. I understood that many women have joined Daesh intentionally and with free will; because Daesh, unlike secular and liberal democracies in which women live, is the reflection of their moral and political ideas. For different reasons, they don't want to live in the west and don't like western freedom and feminism."

The point to note is that these western youths are gripped by the lack of identity. Yet, many of them have gone astray in religious ideas, too.

Foreign Policy Magazine wrote on the reasons of European girls joining Daesh terrorist grouplet, "Paying attention to the reasons of joining Daesh shows that an enlightening movement by countries like Iran can lead these people to a narrative of Islam which, contrary to Daesh, is correct and pursuable. Perhaps, if these girls had enough knowledge of Islam or were not prevented from Islam and Muslims, they would learn the contrast of Islam with the ideas of Daesh terrorists with more open eyes and wouldn't be drawn towards terrorists.

Undoubtedly, the presence of women in the regions dominated by Daesh and their tendency to be recruited in this sadistic entity is a serious warning to the future of their countries; because the prevalence of this phenomenon will spread terrorism and savagery by these elements in the coming generations.


