• Human Rights Watch watches out for US’ Bolivian friends, condemns amnesty for political prisoners

    Human Rights Watch watches out for US’ Bolivian friends, condemns amnesty for political prisoners

    Mar 16, 2021 19:04

    Since its establishment, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has consistently been criticized for being an agent of US foreign policy, employing former US government officials in key positions and displaying bias against governments unfriendly to the United States.

  • Flights logs suggest Bolivia coup may have been planned in Brazil

    Flights logs suggest Bolivia coup may have been planned in Brazil

    Jun 19, 2020 13:29

    Bolivian President Evo Morales was overthrown in a U.S.-backed coup in November. But new details have emerged that suggest Brazil had a larger hand in his ouster than previously confirmed.

  • Bolivia’s new right-wing government intensifies crackdown on journalists, doctors

    Bolivia’s new right-wing government intensifies crackdown on journalists, doctors

    Jan 11, 2020 12:06

    Since November last year, the new Bolivian government has begun systematically destroying all voices opposed to it. TeleSUR, Bolivia TV and RT en Español have already been taken off the air, journalists have been shot, detained and tortured. Meanwhile, Al-Jazeera correspondent Teresa Bo was tear-gassed in the face live on air at point-blank range by riot police as she stood alone, talking to the camera.

  • Bolivia’s new US-backed interim gov’t wastes no time privatizing economy

    Bolivia’s new US-backed interim gov’t wastes no time privatizing economy

    Dec 23, 2019 16:48

    Senator Jeanine Añez is a strongly conservative politician who has described Bolivia’s indigenous majority as “satanic”.

  • Why the Trump regime toppled Bolivia’s Evo Morales

    Why the Trump regime toppled Bolivia’s Evo Morales

    Dec 02, 2019 11:12

    Anyone supporting democracy the way it should be, the rule of law, and wanting Morales returned as Bolivia’s legitimate president, risks arrest and imprisonment on phony charges of terrorism and/or sedition.

  • US is again complicit in an illegal coup, this time in Bolivia

    US is again complicit in an illegal coup, this time in Bolivia

    Dec 02, 2019 10:40

    Once again, the United States is complicit in an illegal coup d’état in Latin America, this time in Bolivia. On November 10, a right-wing, anti-Indigenous group seized power after the Bolivian military’s removal of President Evo Morales, who had declared victory in the October 20 presidential election.

  • Ocasio-Cortez, Omar and Pressley condemn Trump for fueling crisis in Bolivia

    Ocasio-Cortez, Omar and Pressley condemn Trump for fueling crisis in Bolivia

    Nov 25, 2019 15:32

    Some US lawmakers have condemned the Trump administration for supporting the November 10 ouster of former Bolivian President Evo Morales. They have also expressed alarm about the role of the U.S.-dominated Organization of American States (OAS) played in the ouster of Morales.

  • How Human Rights Watch whitewashed a right-wing massacre in Bolivia

    How Human Rights Watch whitewashed a right-wing massacre in Bolivia

    Nov 25, 2019 15:14

    Since its establishment, Human Rights Watch has consistently been criticized for being an agent of U.S. foreign policy, employing former U.S. government officials in key positions, and for displaying bias against leftist governments unfriendly to the United States.

  • Who is behind Morales' resignation?

    Who is behind Morales' resignation?

    Nov 17, 2019 10:24

    The Trump administration has, since taking office, pursued a "Neo-Monroe Doctrine" based on the longstanding premise that the US must indisputably dominate the Western hemisphere, and has aggressively pursued the removal of governments critical of American hegemony.

  • Leftists make a comeback in Latin America

    Leftists make a comeback in Latin America

    Nov 10, 2019 10:50

    The U.S. is concerned about the presence of its rivals, especially Russia and China, in Latin America and the cooperation of these two countries with leftist states in the region.