• China to teach Pelosi an unforgettable lesson

    China to teach Pelosi an unforgettable lesson

    Aug 14, 2022 08:56

    It seems Beijing is determined to teach Washington an unforgettable lesson for the recent violation of China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity by US House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, who is clearly guilty of trespassing for visiting Taiwan.

  • 'Playing with fire,' says China after Pelosi lands in Taiwan

    'Playing with fire,' says China after Pelosi lands in Taiwan

    Aug 07, 2022 06:34

    Chinese warplanes took to the skies and U.S. warships were on the move Tuesday, August 02, as U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ignored warnings from Beijing, the Biden administration, and peace activists by becoming the highest-ranking American official in 25 years to visit Taiwan.

  • Strengthening of Iran-China ties beneficial for the free world

    Strengthening of Iran-China ties beneficial for the free world

    Aug 05, 2022 20:24

    It is natural for Iran and China to further strengthen their age-old bilateral ties through cooperation in all fields, including the 25-year accord that guarantees the development of the two countries and makes them immune from the extraterritorial sanctions of a fast declining US.

  • Powell pushing Asia into a new financial crisis

    Powell pushing Asia into a new financial crisis

    Aug 01, 2022 04:25

    US rate hikes are doing more to devastate Asian economies and currencies than tame US inflation and overheating.

  • Sino-forming of Global South passes point of no return

    Sino-forming of Global South passes point of no return

    Jul 30, 2022 08:38

    Several factors have impelled the surge in Chinese exports, but the most important impulse comes from China’s strategic investment in digital and physical infrastructure, ranging from broadband networks in Indonesia and Brazil to power plants in Turkey and railways in Southeast Asia.

  • US China policy: A perilous arms race instead of waging critical cooperation

    US China policy: A perilous arms race instead of waging critical cooperation

    Jul 15, 2022 21:30

    Both U.S. political parties have chosen a militant path without an exit strategy—one that must please Lockheed Martin and the rest of the military-industrial complex.

  • Biden’s policy toward China is a road to self-destruction

    Biden’s policy toward China is a road to self-destruction

    Jun 30, 2022 13:23

    Since the financial crisis of 2008 and subsequent quantitative easing by printing billions of dollars to keep the US economy afloat, the economic might and stability of the American monetary system is not what it used to be in the minds of many nations.

  • COVID death toll vs China’s puts US to shame

    COVID death toll vs China’s puts US to shame

    Jun 29, 2022 09:37

    For the first two years of the coronavirus pandemic through 2021, China’s growth was always positive and greater than that of the US. China’s policy not only saved lives but protected the economy. One might say win-win.

  • BRICS acknowledges Iran’s role in global economic equations

    BRICS acknowledges Iran’s role in global economic equations

    Jun 26, 2022 08:41

    It is important for nations constituting BRICS to be cautious of the plots of the US and the former colonial powers, so that the group can play an effective role in advancing goals such as the development of South-South relations, amendments in the international financial system and presenting new ideas and initiatives.

  • Largest ever US-NATO naval war drills in Pacific a threat to both peace and marine life

    Largest ever US-NATO naval war drills in Pacific a threat to both peace and marine life

    Jun 25, 2022 22:02

    While the world's attention is focused on the crisis in Eastern Europe, half-way around the world, in the Pacific Ocean, competition/confrontation of the U.S. and NATO toward China and North Korea is taking an increasingly military turn. The US military's Indo-Pacific command headquartered in Honolulu, Hawai'i, Rim of the Pacific or RIMPAC 2022, military war games, will have 38 ships from 26 countries, 4 submarines, 170 aircraft and 25,000 military personnel practicing naval war maneuvers.