• Eliminating air pollution could save more than 53,000 lives per year, study says

    Eliminating air pollution could save more than 53,000 lives per year, study says

    May 29, 2022 08:32

    Researchers found that reducing the amount of air-based pollutants would have a profound impact on public health in the immediate term — and that it would also have long-term positive effects when it comes to transitioning away from unsustainable energy sources and addressing the climate crisis as a whole.

  • ‘This is about survival’: Will Cop27 bring action on Glasgow climate pact?

    ‘This is about survival’: Will Cop27 bring action on Glasgow climate pact?

    May 19, 2022 09:04

    Amid an energy crisis caused by war in Ukraine, climate experts say November talks in Egypt must act on plans to limit global heating.

  • Why WHO took two years to say COVID is airborne

    Why WHO took two years to say COVID is airborne

    Apr 21, 2022 15:02

    Early in the pandemic, the World Health Organization stated that SARS-CoV-2 was not transmitted through the air. That mistake and the prolonged process of correcting it sowed confusion and raises questions about what will happen in the next pandemic.

  • China Is hatching a plan to find Earth 2.0

    China Is hatching a plan to find Earth 2.0

    Apr 15, 2022 19:38

    After sending robots to the Moon, landing them on Mars and building its own space station, China is now eyeing distant solar systems. This month, scientists will release detailed plans for the country’s first mission to discover exoplanets.

  • As US funds Pentagon bloat, China investments in green energy soar

    As US funds Pentagon bloat, China investments in green energy soar

    Apr 12, 2022 19:15

    In the first quarter of 2022, China is expected to take 65% of the global market in new-energy vehicles.

  • China’s first Moon rocks ignite research bonanza

    China’s first Moon rocks ignite research bonanza

    Mar 19, 2022 09:22

    Samples collected by Chang’e-5 are revealing exciting insights into the Moon’s evolution.

  • Study shows COVID-19 infection linked to brain shrinkage, cognitive decline

    Study shows COVID-19 infection linked to brain shrinkage, cognitive decline

    Mar 10, 2022 15:46

    A new study published in the journal Nature shows an association between brain size and structure among those infected by the COVID-19 virus.

  • US’ suicidal bid against China

    US’ suicidal bid against China

    Dec 24, 2021 08:30

    The US is daydreaming if it thinks its provocative policies vis-à-vis China, including sanctions, increased support for Taiwan’s secession from the mainland, militarization of the South China Sea, upgrading of hypersonic weapons, and the poisonous propaganda of the western media horns, will destroy Beijing’s rapidly growing economy/military might and force it into submission to Washington.

  • Biden to Pentagon: Keep the war machine running

    Biden to Pentagon: Keep the war machine running

    Dec 08, 2021 10:36

    The Biden administration released its first Global Posture Review, with the continuation of a Cold War stance toward China and Russia.

  • Russia, China poised to forge a greater alliance

    Russia, China poised to forge a greater alliance

    Dec 05, 2021 10:37

    The Chinese President Xi Jinping's exceptional gesture toward the Russian President Vladimir Putin by personally conveying the invitation to the 2022 Winter Olympics in a phone call in August bears testimony to the high quality of the two countries’ “comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era.”