• The US is building, rather than tearing down GTMO prison facilities

    The US is building, rather than tearing down GTMO prison facilities

    Jan 07, 2022 21:54

    There seems to be little effort to hide the fact that the Biden Administration does not plan to close the Guantanamo Bay prison in his first term as he once declared. That pledge is but a whisper on the wind, much like the promises made by his Democratic predecessor Barack Obama.

  • US is organizing a color revolution in Cuba for November 15

    US is organizing a color revolution in Cuba for November 15

    Nov 04, 2021 20:22

    The United States government is playing a key role in organizing, promoting and amplifying upcoming nationwide protests in Cuba planned for November 15.

  • Only US and Israeli regime vote against resolution demanding end to blockade of Cuba

    Only US and Israeli regime vote against resolution demanding end to blockade of Cuba

    Jun 27, 2021 09:09

    Peace and human rights advocates joined the United Nations General Assembly in their annual condemnation of the United States’ disastrous economic embargo against Cuba. Critics this year noted the detrimental effects of the embargo on Cuba’s ability to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Cuba could be on the brink of a revolutionary COVID vaccine, but US sanctions are slowing it down

    Cuba could be on the brink of a revolutionary COVID vaccine, but US sanctions are slowing it down

    Nov 27, 2020 20:20

    Dr. Helen Yaffe of Glasgow University, author of “We Are Cuba!: How a Revolutionary People Have Survived in a Post-Soviet World,” said: “Cuba now has four COVID-specific vaccine candidates under clinical trial. The fact that a small Caribbean island can achieve such a remarkable feat is testimony to its state-owned biotech sector, which is directed towards public health demands and integrated into its healthcare and education systems.

  • Trump hammers Cuba while Cuba cures the sick

    Trump hammers Cuba while Cuba cures the sick

    Jun 21, 2020 19:19

    A team of 85 Cuban doctors and nurses arrived in Peru on June 3 to help the Andean nation tackle the coronavirus pandemic. That same day, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced another tightening of the sanctions screws.

  • Sanctioned countries are now leading the world in the fight against coronavirus

    Sanctioned countries are now leading the world in the fight against coronavirus

    Apr 27, 2020 16:11

    Despite weeks of warning where it could have taken precautionary steps, the United States currently has four times the confirmed coronavirus cases and twice the deaths of any other country. At the same time, the countries it is currently placing under economic siege, totaling around a quarter of the world’s population, are faring far better and leading the global fight against the coronavirus.

  • With a quarter of the world’s population under US sanctions, countries appeal to UN to intervene

    With a quarter of the world’s population under US sanctions, countries appeal to UN to intervene

    Apr 01, 2020 08:08

    The governments of China, Cuba, Iran, Nicaragua, North Korea, Russia, Syria, and Venezuela – all under sanctions from the United States – sent a joint statement to the United Nations Secretary-General, the UN’s High Commissioner on Human Rights and the Director-General of the World Health Organization calling for an end to the unilateral American economic blockade, as they are, “illegal and blatantly violate international law and the charter of the United Nations.”

  • How Cuba is leading the world in the fight against coronavirus

    How Cuba is leading the world in the fight against coronavirus

    Mar 18, 2020 15:26

    While the United States government is complicating efforts to treat coronavirus across the world and is using the pandemic to increase pressure on countries already struggling under U.S. sanctions, including Iran, Syria, and Venezuela, the small island of Cuba, itself a target of Washington’s cruel sanctions, is leading the fight against the spread of COVID-19.

  • Cuba is testing products against cancer, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease

    Cuba is testing products against cancer, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease

    Feb 10, 2020 11:42

    While wrongly demonized in the United States, the Cuban government has built a comprehensive nationalized healthcare system based on preventative medicine, rather than the curative model the U.S. employs.

  • Latin America in face of onslaught of imperialism and oligarchies

    Latin America in face of onslaught of imperialism and oligarchies

    Dec 08, 2019 11:38

    Titled: "Latin America in the face of the onslaught of imperialism and the oligarchies," the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement analyzing the current convulsed situation suffered by the people of Latin America and the Caribbean.