• Why Asia could soon dominate responsible investing

    Why Asia could soon dominate responsible investing

    Jan 12, 2020 10:16

    Lisa Beauvilain, Head of Sustainability and ESG at Impax Asset Management says businesses in Asia have made progress on establishing investor relations teams.

  • Free trade elusive for China, Japan, South Korea

    Free trade elusive for China, Japan, South Korea

    Jan 03, 2020 16:34

    The annual China, Japan and South Korea summit wrapped up recently in Chengdu, China, with attending leaders making generalized commitments to free trade and regional peace and security.

  • Okinawans keep up fight against US military base in biodiverse Oura Bay

    Okinawans keep up fight against US military base in biodiverse Oura Bay

    Dec 24, 2019 20:01

    Marine biologists and environmentalists say that the controversial construction project of US military base in Okinawa could disrupt ocean currents that corals need to survive, such as carrying in nutrients, filtering out sediment and debris, and maintaining the ecological balance within the bay. The base also poses a risk to other marine wildlife, including the northernmost dugong population.

  • A blue dot barely visible from new silk roads

    A blue dot barely visible from new silk roads

    Nov 18, 2019 18:00

    US-Australia-Japan alternative to Belt and Road helps explain why the US sent a junior delegation to Thailand and why India opted out of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership or RCEP.

  • Korea-Japan: History is not present in the past

    Korea-Japan: History is not present in the past

    Nov 01, 2019 14:24

    South Korea-Japan bilateral relations are now at probably their lowest point since diplomatic ties were established between the two Northeast Asian countries in 1965. The latest dispute revolves around the two countries’ different interpretations of their 1965 “Agreement on the Settlement of Problems Concerning Property and Claims and on Economic Cooperation.”

  • Japan’s quiet embrace of Myanmar’s top rights abuser

    Japan’s quiet embrace of Myanmar’s top rights abuser

    Oct 31, 2019 23:09

    Drowned out by the noise of the Rugby World Cup and overshadowed by the deadly devastation wrought by Typhoon Hagibis was a meeting between Japan’s leaders and war criminal, which went largely unreported by the media and unnoticed by the public.

  • Japan-US trade deal: Who is the winner?

    Japan-US trade deal: Who is the winner?

    Oct 09, 2019 17:13

    Though Japan-US relations have experienced some turbulence during the Presidency of Donald Trump with his focus on ‘America First’ policy, it is undeniable that the security aspect of the ties remains the lynchpin of the relationship. Trump has also been pressuring Japan to bear greater security burden for providing protection by deploying over 60,000 marines in Japanese bases. The nuclear umbrella is another controversial aspect in the bilateral relationship.

  • Hiroshima and the new arms race – no winners

    Hiroshima and the new arms race – no winners

    Aug 12, 2019 15:24

    Three quarters of a century has passed since the state terrorism of the US in dropping atomic bombs on the unsuspecting Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, while World War 2 was almost over, as a field test to devilishly determine what catastrophe these radioactive weapons of mass destruction would have on human beings, animals, the soil, and water resources, but it seems the world has still not learned the lessons of this grave crime against humanity.

  • Hiroshima unlearned: Time to tell the truth about US relations with Russia

    Hiroshima unlearned: Time to tell the truth about US relations with Russia

    Aug 11, 2019 19:31

    August 6th and 9th marked 74 years since the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where only one nuclear bomb dropped on each city caused the deaths of up to 146,000 people in Hiroshima and 80,000 people in Nagasaki. Today, with the US decision to walk away from the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Force (INF) negotiated with the Soviet Union, we are once again staring into the abyss of one of the most perilous nuclear challenges since the height of the Cold War.

  • Japan-Korean relations slip to a new low

    Japan-Korean relations slip to a new low

    Aug 08, 2019 14:25

    Tokyo on Friday, August 2 revoked South Korea’s preferential status as a trade partner for the purchase of dual-use materials vital to Korean industry, driving bilateral relations to their lowest ebb in recent memory and raising questions over the grounds for the Japanese action.