• The Zulfaghar speedboat, symbol of Iran’s advancement in maritime defense technology

    The Zulfaghar speedboat, symbol of Iran’s advancement in maritime defense technology

    Dec 04, 2022 09:15

    The Islamic Republic of Iran has made major progress in manufacturing military hardware and equipment. The modern and well-equipped Naval Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran are the guarantors of security in the region.

  • Have the Aal-e Khalifas reached the end of the road?

    Have the Aal-e Khalifas reached the end of the road?

    Aug 17, 2022 13:44

    The human rights situation has gone from bad to worse in the Persian Gulf island state of Bahrain which is ruled by the repressive Aal-e Khalifa minority regime of pirate origin.

  • Iran’s firm resolve for regional stability

    Iran’s firm resolve for regional stability

    May 28, 2022 16:54

    Iran has made it clear that the security of the region is the collective responsibility of the littoral states, and therefore the presence of any foreign forces in the Persian Gulf, especially of the US, is highly detrimental to regional stability.

  • Persian Gulf security warrants no-entry to Israeli regime

    Persian Gulf security warrants no-entry to Israeli regime

    May 02, 2022 15:16

    The Persian Gulf National Day which the Islamic Republic marks every year on the 10th of the Iranian month of Ordibehesht (April 30) reminds Iranians and the world of the importance of this strategic waterway.

  • Trump’s threat to Iran has a hollow ring

    Trump’s threat to Iran has a hollow ring

    May 06, 2020 11:50

    A tweet by US President Donald Trump on April 22 said, “I have instructed the United States Navy to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea.” Trump seems to be talking the language of war while indulging in politics by other means. Like his ban on immigration, he is resorting to distractions to turn attention away from his incompetence in tackling the COVID-19 crisis in the United States.

  • Persian Gulf needs no US naval presence, weapons

    Persian Gulf needs no US naval presence, weapons

    May 04, 2020 15:20

    The United States is not a force for peace and stability in the Persian Gulf. The US must turn away from its deadly arms trade with the Arab littoral states, stop showing the flag and throwing grenade into the maritime areas, and focus instead on abiding by international law that says the region should be secured and protected by the littoral states only, including Iran.

  • Significance of IRGC comdr. remarks, review of Trump's bluffs and setbacks

    Significance of IRGC comdr. remarks, review of Trump's bluffs and setbacks

    Apr 29, 2020 09:49

    Reacting to recent threats by US officials such as President Donald Trump who ordered US terrorist troops to attack Iranian forces if they harass US ships in the Persian Gulf, Commander of Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), Major General Hossein Salami noted “We will target any US combat unit which jeopardizes our security in the Persian Gulf.”

  • Iran's pivotal role in Persian Gulf security (8)

    Iran's pivotal role in Persian Gulf security (8)

    Mar 20, 2020 10:37

    Here is the eighth episode of our interesting series titled: “Iran's Pivotal Role in Persian Gulf Security”.

  • Iran's pivotal role in Persian Gulf security (7)

    Iran's pivotal role in Persian Gulf security (7)

    Mar 15, 2020 10:45

    As we said in the earlier episodes of this series with emphasis on Iran's defence doctrine to keep it safe from the covetous eyes of outside forces, the Persian Gulf plays a vital role in world economy. This strategic oil-rich waterway stretches from the Arvand Roud to the Strait of Hormuz for a length of 989 kilometers with a surface area of 251,000 square kilometers.

  • Iran's pivotal role in Persian Gulf security (6)

    Iran's pivotal role in Persian Gulf security (6)

    Mar 13, 2020 19:10

    Here is the sixth episode of our interesting series titled: “Iran's Pivotal Role in Persian Gulf Security”.