• Nigeria must not transform Shi’a Muslims into enemies

    Nigeria must not transform Shi’a Muslims into enemies

    Nov 21, 2016 20:26

    The continued detention of Nigeria’s Shi’a Muslim leader, Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaki, his wife, and several others by the government of Nigeria, following last December’s massacre of some 2,000 peaceful Shi’a Muslim men, women, and children by the military, coupled with the current atmosphere of persecution, has shocked the civilized world.

  • Sectarianism; Aal Khalifa’s tool for repressing Bahrainis

    Sectarianism; Aal Khalifa’s tool for repressing Bahrainis

    Aug 08, 2016 09:13

    The popular uprising of the people of Bahrain continues despite the vain attempts of the regime to repress the revolutionaries, including torturing, jailing and killing many of them. The Aal-e Khalifa minority is now resorting to another dirty trick in an attempt to avert the inevitable, that is, the end of its illegal rule.

  • Bahrain Broke Int’l Law by Revoking Top Religious Leader’s Citizenship?

    Bahrain Broke Int’l Law by Revoking Top Religious Leader’s Citizenship?

    Jul 26, 2016 09:44

    It is now well over a month since the repressive Aal-e Khalifa regime in yet another illegal move against the country long suppressed majority, revoked the citizenship of senior religious leader, Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim, worsening the 5-year crisis in the Persian Gulf island state.

  • Bahrain turning into a police state as vicious and arbitrary as Egypt

    Bahrain turning into a police state as vicious and arbitrary as Egypt

    Jul 22, 2016 08:03

    Bahrainis are calling the Aal-e Khalifa minority regime’s intensified repression of all opposition “the Egyptian strategy”, believing that it is modelled on the ruthless campaign by the Egyptian security forces to crush even the smallest signs of dissent.

  • West stirs Islamophobia and Iran phobia campaigns (1)

    West stirs Islamophobia and Iran phobia campaigns (1)

    Jun 25, 2016 11:37

    One of the most important goals of Iran phobia and Shia phobia propaganda campaigns is to obstruct the emergence of Islamic Iran as a role model for regional countries; to impede the establishment of regional security arrangements with the participation of Iran; to change Iran’s behavioral pattern; and to provoke disputes in the Iranian community.