• From cluster bombs to toxic waste: Saudi Arabia is creating the next Fallujah in Yemen

    From cluster bombs to toxic waste: Saudi Arabia is creating the next Fallujah in Yemen

    Mar 24, 2020 10:24

    In addition to killing and injuring hundreds of innocent civilians, American-made weapons have exposed Yemen’s people to highly toxic substances on a level not seen since the now-infamous use of radioactive depleted uranium by the United States in Fallujah, Iraq, which to this day is causing abnormally high rates of cancer and birth defects.

  • Selling arms to Saudis is crime against humanity

    Selling arms to Saudis is crime against humanity

    Mar 16, 2020 16:13

    The United Nations should call on the US and its allies to stop selling weapons to Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners who have waged an unjustified war on Yemen. It is crime against humanity under international law and UN Charter.

  • As Ansarullah fighters close in on Al-Qaeda in Yemen, US drone strikes target its leaders

    As Ansarullah fighters close in on Al-Qaeda in Yemen, US drone strikes target its leaders

    Feb 11, 2020 11:20

    An escalating campaign of U.S. drone strikes in Yemen has sparked anger from residents and tribal leaders. According to the victims’ relatives, the drone strikes martyred and injured a number of innocent civilians. The recent escalation comes after the Commander of the U.S Central Forces, Joseph Votel, handed ousted former Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi a list of al-Qaeda military commanders and their supporters being targeted by the United States.

  • Ansarullah anticipates US assassination attempts, warns US troops will be targeted in retaliation

    Ansarullah anticipates US assassination attempts, warns US troops will be targeted in retaliation

    Jan 31, 2020 13:47

    During a televised speech broadcast live on January 8 during Yemen’s Martyr’s Week commemoration, Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al Houthi, the Leader of Ansarullah, said that “We will no longer acquiesce to Trump’s equation in killing us and interfering in our affairs and to do nothing is no longer acceptable.” He pointed out that if there was no U.S. support for Saudi Arabia, the war against Yemen would not have occurred.

  • Britain must be held to account for its role in war in Yemen

    Britain must be held to account for its role in war in Yemen

    Jan 25, 2020 11:15

    A report by a UN panel of experts states that individuals in the Saudi and UAE governments may be criminally liable for war crimes, and identifies the UK among arms-supplying states that may be legally responsible if standards for complicity are met.

  • During Yemen’s annual Martyr Week, anti-American sentiment prevails

    During Yemen’s annual Martyr Week, anti-American sentiment prevails

    Jan 16, 2020 08:12

    As the ongoing war and blockade against their country enters its sixth year, Yemenis are commemorating the annual Martyr Week amid an increasing feeling of hatred and resentment towards the United States. For eight consecutive days, Yemeni people commemorate those that have been martyred by the Saudi-led coalition. Programs include holding exhibitions, public ceremonies, and meetings where victim’s families discuss how they cope with the war.

  • Trump never cared about ending “forever wars.” He just wanted his own war

    Trump never cared about ending “forever wars.” He just wanted his own war

    Jan 09, 2020 14:00

    Did you think a man like the terrorist US president, Donald Trump wouldn’t ever want to show off his brand new toys? Of course he would. He was just saving it for a moment when (in his mind) it would do him the most good.

  • Saudi coalition is creating a living nightmare for African migrants in Yemen

    Saudi coalition is creating a living nightmare for African migrants in Yemen

    Dec 28, 2019 12:12

    In Southeastern Yemen, a region under the total control of Saudi and Emirati occupation forces, African migrants face extreme risks and serious human rights violations including torture, extortion, and sexual and physical abuse.

  • Yemenis know firsthand the extremist underpinnings of the Pensacola shooter

    Yemenis know firsthand the extremist underpinnings of the Pensacola shooter

    Dec 20, 2019 18:37

    In Yemen, Saudi forces routinely target civilians based on ideological underpinnings, a fact morbidly demonstrated by the large number of civilian casualties in the country. The attack on U.S. Naval base in Florida exemplifies the harsh reality of life in Yemen where Saudi pilots routinely kill “nonbelievers” according to an extremist Salafi ideology that serves as the central building block of the Saudi government, and by extension, the Saudi military.

  • The root cause of violence and extremism

    The root cause of violence and extremism

    Dec 18, 2019 14:17

    The acts of violence and extremism gripping the modern world are the result of both the ignorance of the unsuspecting perpetrators and the arrogance of their devilish masters, who never miss an opportunity to create chaos by disturbing the peace and order of societies.