• Children starve in Yemen

    Children starve in Yemen

    Jan 16, 2017 16:56

    In December 2016, Saudi regime admitted that cluster bombs used in its campaign against the Ansarullah fighters in Yemen were manufactured by the UK. The UK is a signatory to the Convention on Cluster Munitions, an international treaty adopted in 2008 prohibiting the development, use, stockpiling or transfer of all cluster munitions, due to evidence that the weapons disproportionately "kill or maim civilians."

  • What awaits the Middle East?

    What awaits the Middle East?

    Jan 16, 2017 16:42

    There’s a good chance that the dreams about peace and prosperity won’t betray the people of the Middle East this year around. It won’t be an exaggeration to state that that’s what the absolute majority of those dwelling in the region bruised with constant bloodshed and conflicts hope for.

  • A tragedy unfolds in Yemen, aided by US-funded Saudi weapons

    A tragedy unfolds in Yemen, aided by US-funded Saudi weapons

    Dec 21, 2016 14:32

    While the world is transfixed on the epic tragedy unfolding in Syria, another tragedy—a hidden one—has been consuming the children of Yemen.

  • End US support for Saudi Arabia’s barbaric war against Yemen

    End US support for Saudi Arabia’s barbaric war against Yemen

    Nov 19, 2016 15:21

    Washington’s blind support for Saudi Arabia, especially the Wahhabi entity’s state terrorism in Yemen over the past year and eight months, has made the US an accomplice in the crimes of Riyadh.

  • Yemen False Flag? In an effort to “Save Saudi Arabia” from Ansarullah, has the U.S. created another Gulf Of Tonkin?

    Yemen False Flag? In an effort to “Save Saudi Arabia” from Ansarullah, has the U.S. created another Gulf Of Tonkin?

    Oct 27, 2016 15:02

    No longer content to lead from behind with the occasional drone bomb, the United States has now resorted to launching missiles from battleships off the Yemeni coast into the embattled nation.

  • Saudi Arabia’s Heinous crime against humanity in Yemen

    Saudi Arabia’s Heinous crime against humanity in Yemen

    Oct 17, 2016 10:11

    The state terrorism unleashed on Yemen by Saudi Arabia has killed over 11,000 men, women, and children over the past year-and-a-half, and the fatality toll is increasing by the day as aircraft supplied by the US continue to rain down deadly bombs on unsuspecting civilians, like the bombardment of the funeral ceremony of an official’s father in Sana’a that left over two hundred martyred, and more than six hundred injured.

  • World indifferent to destruction of Yemen's historic tower houses

    World indifferent to destruction of Yemen's historic tower houses

    Oct 05, 2016 09:44

    The state terrorism of Saudi Arabia against Yemen has not only killed over 10,000 men, women, and children, besides destroying schools, hospitals, power generation plants, libraries, mosques, markets, and water works, but has also not spared the historic tower houses, which are considered the heritage of mankind.

  • A shameful relationship: Complicity in Saudi war crimes in Yemen

    A shameful relationship: Complicity in Saudi war crimes in Yemen

    Oct 02, 2016 09:03

    Civilian casualties were reported yet again in Yemen on September 10, with more than 20 people falling victims of Saudi airstrikes.

  • American arms and hypocrisy in Yemen; Yemenis united

    American arms and hypocrisy in Yemen; Yemenis united

    Sep 16, 2016 10:20

    Amnesty International has once again accused the United States government of “deadly hypocrisy” for its military aid and massive arms deals with the Zionist regime of Israel and Saudi Arabia that have carried out war crimes and other violations of international protocols.

  • Yemen: ‘killers’ can give no peace

    Yemen: ‘killers’ can give no peace

    Sep 13, 2016 09:29

    In a supposedly ‘landmark’ development, the U.S Secretary of State John Kerry and his Saudi counterpart announced, in the last week of August, the new plan, having a “fair and sensible approach” about restarting negotiations in Yemen—a country facing worst humanitarian crisis due to the indiscriminate bombing by the so-called Saudi-led coalition forces, using U.S. sold bombs and aircrafts.