Saudis Slaughter Schoolchildren in Sana’a with US Support
(last modified Fri, 12 Apr 2019 21:56:02 GMT )
Apr 12, 2019 21:56 UTC

The latest act of state terrorism of Saudi Arabia in Yemen has shocked the world and led to worldwide condemnation but the US, which is the godfather of all terrorism, has tacitly approved the killing of civilians, including children.

Stay with us for a Viewpoint Column that appeared in this regard in Iran’s English language daily ‘Kayhan International’, titled: “Saudis Slaughter Schoolchildren in Sana’a with US Support”.

Kayhan International said: “Saudi Arabia, backed by the US and the Zionist regime, committed yet another war crime in Yemen on Monday by killing at least a dozen school girls and injuring scores of other children amongst the 100-plus casualties of the dead and wounded, when its warplanes dropped bombs on a warehouse in Sana’a functioning as a school.

“This latest act of state terrorism that involves the super terrorists in Washington and Occupied Palestine as well, was yet another sign of frustration for the regime in Riyadh, which had planned to bomb Yemen into submission in a couple of weeks, but has suffered a loss of several billion dollars as the war has entered its 5th year, thanks to the indomitable nature of the Yemeni people, whose resistance has terrified the Wahhabis and their comrades-in-crimes against humanity.

“The popular Ansarallah Movement, which with the support of various Yemeni tribes and the majority of the people of Yemen, has held the Saudi-UAE invasion forces at bay, and has at times taken the war to the enemy camp by targeting military and industrial installations in the two countries, has vowed to defeat the aggressors.

“This is no tall talk, given the high spirit of the defenders and their history of resistance against invaders, coupled with the sagging morale in the enemy camps.

“It is clear that neither the aerial and naval blockade of Yemen has dented the resolve of the Yemeni people nor the unabated more than four years of deadly bombardment of towns and cities.”

According to Kayhan International: “The death toll in the Arab World’s most impoverished state now stands at over 22,000 while the wounded number over a hundred thousand, in addition to the hundreds of thousands displaced from their destroyed homes and hearths and the millions affected by starvation and epidemics.

“Yet, the world's worst humanitarian crisis that has exposed to the whole world the ugly terrorist face of the US, shows no signs of abatement.

“It is the height of cowardice for the armed-to-the-teeth Saudi-UAE coalition to bomb residential and commercial areas, while they are lack the morale to meet the defenders on the battlefields.

“Monday’s strike that killed the schoolchildren was not accidental. As usual, the Saudi warplanes twice bombed the defenseless site, fully knowing that it was functioning as a school.

“According to documented reports attacks on schools have been all too common in this war. So far, the Saudis and Emiratis have damaged or completely destroyed over 2,500 schools throughout Yemen.”

Kayhan International wrote: “It is unfortunate that millions Yemeni children must cope with malnutrition and the threat of disease, and even at their schools they are not safe from being killed by the Saudi-UAE airstrikes, in addition to being traumatized by the ongoing war.

“Both the mental and physical health of an entire generation of Yemenis is being severely harmed by the effects of this war. The roguish regime of Donald Trump continues to back the Saudis as they bomb hospitals and kill schoolchildren.

“The UN for its part has resorted to hypocrisy, and instead of being an impartial arbitrator, it has turned a blind eye to the sufferings of the Yemeni people, and instead openly supporting the Saudi terrorism.

“The Ansarallah, however, are made of sterner stuff, and will continue to defend the honour and dignity of the Yemeni people, until the eventual defeat of the aggressors.”

