Iran’s top negotiator: Ball in US court, Americans must remove sanctions
(last modified Thu, 02 Dec 2021 17:17:24 GMT )
Dec 02, 2021 17:17 UTC
  • Iran’s top negotiator: Ball in US court, Americans must remove sanctions

Iran’s top negotiator to the Vienna talks on the removal of sanctions imposed on Tehran says the ball is now in US court to remove the bans because Washington has violated not only the nuclear deal with Iran, but also the United Nations Security Council resolution that upheld it and other international laws.

Speaking in an interview with Middle East Eye published on Thursday, Ali Baqeri-Kani pointed out that Washington was the party that unilaterally walked away from the nuclear deal, officially called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), in 2018, and re-imposed sanctions on Iran, which had been lifted by the deal.

“Therefore, now the ball is in the court of the Americans. The Americans must remove the sanctions,” he said.

Baqeri-Kani stated that Tehran is dead set on the negotiations, underscoring the fact that he was accompanied by 40 top officials to support his assertion.

No ‘less for less’ deal; no ‘JCPOA plus’

In another part of his remarks, the top negotiator dismissed recent claims that Tehran was considering an interim deal or a “less for less” agreement. He also rejected the “JCPOA plus” suggestion, which would include broadening the nuclear deal to include other issues as well.

“The issue of the negotiations now is not related to Iran. It is related to the United States,” he said, arguing that US violation of the JCPOA, UN Security Council Resolution 2231, and international law put the onus on Washington.

The senior diplomat told Press TV earlier on Thursday that Iran has provided the five remaining parties to the JCPOA with draft documents detailing its proposals and positions on the removal of US sanctions and the nuclear steps that should be taken by Iran.

The content of the drafts, he said, includes all of the proposals and positions of the Iranian negotiating team.

“Naturally, the other side should study the documents and prepare for serious negotiations with the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding the drafts submitted to them,” he told Press TV, expressing hope that the other parties will be able to “reach a conclusion in the shortest time possible.”

Missile talks out of question: Baqeri-Kani

Elsewhere in his interview with the Middle East Eye, Baqeri-Kani made it clear that Iran will not hold talks with the US about the Islamic Republic’s regional role, adding that he was in “constant touch” with Iran’s neighbors and had gone to the UAE and Kuwait before arriving in Vienna.

He then said it was “crystal clear” that Iran would not negotiate on its missile force either.

“And as for our defensive capabilities, our benchmark is to secure and guarantee our national security, and it is crystal clear that no one is going to negotiate over their national security.”

‘US had already dishonored JCPOA’

The top negotiator also pledged to “restore the right of the Iranian nation.”

He explained that neither the US, before it left the deal, nor the Europeans who remained, have properly removed sanctions or traded with Iran.

“We also believe that the implementation of the JCPOA has not been precisely followed during the past several years,” Baqeri-Kani said.

“The Americans, when they were in the JCPOA and had not yet withdrawn even at that time, they were not implementing the JCPOA comprehensively. So is the case with the Europeans that did not withdraw from the JCPOA, but in practice, they failed to fully comply with the deal.”


