May 17, 2024 08:29 UTC
  • Vietnam\'s public security minister praises Iran\'s progresses
    Vietnam\'s public security minister praises Iran\'s progresses

Pars Today- The Vietnamese Minister of Public Security praised Iran's progress in the defense, military, scientific and industrial fields and admired Iran's resistance and steadfastness against sanctions.

In line with bolstering of bilateral relations, Chief Commander of Law Enforcement Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ahmad Reza Radan, and the Minister of Public Security of Vietnam, General Tulam, inked a letter of understanding for comprehensive cooperation. 

General Tulam, during the ceremony, stressed further expansion of bilateral and multilateral ties, particularly, in the field of police cooperation, and called the friendly and respectful relations of the two countries as a cause of expansion of cooperation. 

He also praised Iran's progress in the fields of defense, military, science and industry, and admired Iran for its resistance and steadfastness in the face of sanctions. 

The mentioned letter of understanding includes important content for deepening and bolstering law enforcement cooperation among which mention could be made of exchange of information and experiences in the field of combat against organized crimes, terrorism, cybercrimes, drug production and trafficking, human trafficking, money laundering, arms and ammunition trafficking, and illegal migration. 

Brigadier General Radan and the high-ranking delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran have travelled to Vietnam upon the official invitation of General Tulam with the aim of expansion of law enforcement and police cooperation. 

During this trip, General Radan is due to also meet and confer with the Vietnamese Premier, Pham Minh Chinh.

These visits will be an important step in strengthening of relations between the two countries and enhancement of law enforcement and security cooperation.


Key phrases: Iran-Vietnam relations, Iranian progresses, Iranian military ability

