We are one Ummah/ Iranian president-elect's message: we extend hand of friendship to Arab countries
(last modified 2024-07-11T12:44:56+00:00 )
Jul 11, 2024 12:44 UTC
  • We are one Ummah/ Iranian president-elect's message: we extend hand of friendship to Arab countries

Pars Today- Iran's president-elect, in a note for an Arab media, announced Islamic Republic of Iran's readiness for constructive and dynamic cooperation with Arab countries.

Masoud Pezeshkian, Iranian president-elect, in an exclusive note for the trans-regional daily, Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, addressing Arab nations and governments, emphasized on his effort for constructive dialogue and strengthening of regional cooperation. According to Pars Today, Pezeshkian in his note titled, "Together for a Strong and Prosperous Region" made it clear, "Deep, constructive and targeted dialogue with the aim of setting the ground for cooperation in different arenas and fields is the only way to push behind the current challenges."

Here is the full text of Masoud Pezeshkian's note for Al-Araby Al-Jadeed:

Now that I have become the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran with the votes of the nation, in the beginning, I would like to talk to my brothers, sisters and neighbors in the region so that we take steps together in the path of constructive dialogue, strengthening of cooperation and solidarity among the regional nations and governments.

The eternal teachings of the Qur'an, "Hold fast to Allah's cord, all together, and do not be divided", "Cooperate in piety and Godwariness, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression", and [that of] the noble Prophet of Islam (Blessings of God upon him and his progeny), "Observe God, observe God about your neighbors", and [also that of] Imam Ali (Peace upon him), "Heed your neighbor before your home" are our guiding principles.

We are living in the same geography and, to reach the pure life which is the ideal of Islam and all heavenly religions, we should give hand in hand, and relying on the power of logic rather than the logic of power, and using the factors of national power and the support of our own nations and the living forces of the Islamic Ummah as their prelude, to set up the foundation of a strong regional structure.

As long as we do not reach solidarity in the region and do not cooperate for a clear future and proper exploitation of the God-given bounties and the exceptional geopolitical situation, and do not provide the ground for public growth and development of the region, separate plans for progress of the regional countries will not achieve serious success.

Deep, constructive and targeted dialogue with the aim of creating regional solidarity and cooperating in different fields is the only way for us to pass through the current challenges and turbulences, and create sustainable stability and security and regional people's benefiting from their own boons and wealth. In the beginning of my responsibility, I extend the hand of friendship and brotherhood to all neighbors and regional countries to materialize this goal and real and serious movement in the path of cooperation.

Iran and the Arab and Muslim neighbors have common view and interests in many international and regional issues. We are all opposed to monopoly in global decision-makings by few special powers. We are all opposed to division of the world and polarity based on the interests of big powers. We all call for acceptance of cultural diversity and removal of discrimination and respect for religious values of Muslims in other communities and legal and international institutions. We all have common responsibility and interests for overcoming Islamophobia.

The remedy and solution for the old wound of occupation of Palestine is the issue of all of us. The Islamic Republic of Iran, with respect to the mythical steadfastness of the Palestinian nation and resistance in Gaza against the savage assault of the Zionist regime, believes that in order to create peace and stability in the region, the right of all-out resistance of the Palestinian nation to get free from occupation and securing their natural and obvious rights, especially in the field of independence and the right to determine its fate should be recognized; and through helping this nation, occupation, racial discrimination, mass destruction, and state terrorism of the Occupying Zionist regime will end.

Terrorism and extremism are our common pains and to cure it deeply needs cooperation. Military confrontation among the regional countries should end on the basis of truth, justice and legitimate rights of nations, and the internal crises should be resolved via peaceful ways. Continuation of crises and intra-regional contradictions are only to the benefit of Israel and the foreign powers.

Regional nations deserve to enjoy economic development and social welfare and the governments should help each other for progress. Iran is ready to participate in the plans of economic development and expansion of urban infrastructures, connective corridors in neighboring countries and, is prepared for reciprocal participation of the neighboring countries in its geography in the North-South and East-West corridors.

The Islamic Republic of Iran considers the power of its neighbors as its own power and believes that empowerment of neighbors should not be accounted for one another. Iran's top priority of foreign policy is to expand cooperation with neighbors and the new government, while keeping and enhancing the current government's approach in bolstering relations with neighboring countries, in case of the regional countries' active and mutual cooperation, will try to enhance bilateral relations with them according to mutual respect for each other's national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Key phrases: Who is Masoud Pezeshkian? Iran and Arab countries, Iran's presidential election, West Asian region, Iran and Palestine, Israeli crimes in Gaza  

