Fictitious bombs: New York Post engaged in fearmongering on US election via forging numbers on Iran
(last modified 2024-09-16T14:15:44+00:00 )
Sep 16, 2024 14:15 UTC
  • Fictitious bombs: New York Post engaged in fearmongering on US election via forging numbers on Iran

Pars Today- Despite the claims of New York Post, Trump's policies have undermined international diplomacy and paved the way for Iran's nuclear progress.

The New York Post article, titled, "Iran is to set to go nuclear, thanks to Biden- and the mullahs want Harris to win", resorting to exaggerated and undocumented allegations, tries to portray a false picture of Iran's nuclear situation and the impact of Biden administration on the issue. According to Pars Today, this article is full of numbers and allegations which not only are untrue, but they have also been designed biasedly to cause fear and distrust among the American people.

The article begins as follows, "The Islamic Republic now has the technical know-how and resources to get more than a dozen nuclear bombs online in just four months- possibly before Joe Biden, the man who enabled this, officially leaves on Jan 21, 2025."

The allegation which has no scientific document or evidence, is clearly aimed at depicting the situation seriously critical. According to the valid international reports, Iran has never been able to produce nuclear weapons and has always been under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). In addition, Iran has many times announced and proved that its nuclear program is totally peaceful and it has no intention to produce nuclear weapons.

NY Post further claimed,

"Tehran's enriched more than 6,200 kilograms of uranium to the 5%, 20% and 60% levels." While these figures may be technically true, the important point, which the article has ignored, is that uranium enrichment to these levels does not necessarily mean to approach nuclear bomb production. To make nuclear weapons, uranium must be enriched to the level above 90%. Iran has not reached this level yet and such a measure will face serious consequences under the international supervision.”

Another false claim of this article is that Iran has more than 7,400 advanced centrifuges which can enrich uranium rapidly. This figure has been presented without any valid document and the main aim of this is to cause fear. The reality is that many of these centrifuges are under severe supervision due to the limitations imposed by the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and other international agreements. Moreover, remarkable parts of these capacities have increased due to the aggressive policies of Trump administration after leaving JCPOA. Contrary to NY Post's claim, Trump's policies paved the way for Iran's nuclear advancement through undermining international diplomacy.

This article also adds that Iran is constructing facilities near Natanz which are being built in such a depth to be immune against aerial attacks. This exaggerated allegation is raised with the aim of causing fear. Although Iran has launched new nuclear projects, all of these moves are being done under the supervision of international organizations such as the IAEA.

The NY Post article adds,

"Under Trump, Iran generated less than 2,400 of low-enriched uranium." This claim has been raised with the aim of showing the exaggerated difference between the Trump and Biden administrations. As a matter of fact, Trump's policies, including exit from JCPOA, have practically increased Iran's nuclear activities because Tehran decreased its restrictions after Trump's leaving the agreement.”

Perhaps the most controversial part of the article is that it indirectly claims that the Islamic Republic of Iran is after the victory of Kamala Harris in the upcoming presidential election. Interestingly, the Iranian people and officials believe that democrats symbolize the current of hypocrisy and mysterious plots against their country. New York Post continues, "If Kamala Harris wins in November, they [Americans] will see the terror and bloodshed for themselves." This sentence is clearly baseless and there is no evidence to corroborate it. Using such a threatening language indicates the political motives of the writer to attack the democratic candidate in a bid to forge a link between them and Iran.

In the end, it should be said that the NY Post article, instead of providing facts and valid analyses, seeks to create fear and anxiety in the American society. Resorting to baseless and imaginary numbers and statistics without giving any valid source, just reveals the fact that this article has been authored with the aim of politicizing Iran's nuclear program rather than presenting a precise and unbiased analysis.

Key phrases: Who is Kamal Harris? How is Trump? Trump relation with Iran, Kamal Harris and Iran

