Is Iran intent to annihilate Jews? What's Iran's solution for Israelis? Six important points
(last modified Sat, 05 Oct 2024 08:55:17 GMT )
Oct 05, 2024 08:55 UTC
  • Is Iran intent to annihilate Jews? What\\\'s Iran\\\'s solution for Israelis? 6 important points
    Is Iran intent to annihilate Jews? What\\\'s Iran\\\'s solution for Israelis? 6 important points

Pars Today - Iran's approach towards the issue of Palestine has always been to rule out violence and carnage of the innocent.

In response to the question, is Iran after annihilation of Jews and Zionists or, basically, what is Iran's solution for Israelis, a few simple points should be known not to be entrapped in the propaganda to raise the question. Pars Today has dwelt upon fundamental points to answer this issue.

1- Distinction of Judaism and Zionism

Judaism, as a religion with a record of thousands of years, is respected in the national and religious thought of the Iranians. Throughout history, Iran has been a safe haven for Jews; since the time of Cyrus the Great who liberated Jews from the Babylonian captivity, till the present time, that the Jewish community is living freely and practicing its rituals in full security and they have their own representative in the Majlis (parliament) although their population is much less than the number mentioned in the Islamic Republic of Iran's Constitution for every parliamentarian. Yet, Zionism is a political ideology, and as the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei said, it is a terrorist gang which has been fabricated in Palestine on the basis of formation of the so-called "Jewish State". Thus, in view of Iran, Zionism has a totally different nature. Iran's criticism of Zionism is not originated in hatred of Jews, but it has its roots in the Islamic thought, the Qur'anic view and the obvious teachings and remarks of the Prophet of Islam and the Infallible Imams of his Ahl al-Bayt (progeny). Therefore, the Islamic Republic of Iran will never accept occupation and usurpation of the Palestinian territories through suppression and massacre of children, women and innocent people. Iran is not in pursuit of destruction of Jews, but it feels responsible to awaken the world about such a terrorist, racist, colonialist and anti-human thought.

Historical picture of shipping European Jews to Palestine, 1947
Picture of burning flag of fake Israeli regime by anti-Zionist Jews
Picture of a Jewish ceremony in Iran
Picture of Jews worshipping in Iran


2- Accepting Jews as part of historical, cultural context of region

Iran has announced several times that it has no problem with Jews as a religion or ethnicity. In fact, this human approach is based on the principle that all humans, regardless of religion, enjoy fundamental rights. In view of this, Iran considers Jews as part of the global and regional history and culture rather than its enemy.


3- Iran's solution: Returning of migrating Jews and referendum in Palestine

The main idea of the Islamic Republic of Iran to resolve the issue of Palestine is based on two rational and democratic principles: Firstly, dissolution of the fabricated Israeli regime and returning of Jews, who have immigrated from Europe, the US and other countries, to their mother lands. Most of these Jews have come here since 1917. This proposal is based on a principle which respects the "right to return" for all nations. It means the German Jew returns to Germany, the Hungarian Jew goes back to Hungary and so on and so forth. Secondly, a referendum is held freely for the original Palestinians, i.e. all those who had been living in the ancestral Palestine before the Israeli occupation. They are either in Palestine or emigrated because of the Israeli oppression and atrocity. These Palestinians have the right to vote regardless of their religion or ethnicity because they are the owners of this land. It is they who should determine their fate. This proposal is both democratic and just.

Picture of arresting Palestinian women by Zionist military


4- Emphasis on international rights and global justice

The Islamic Republic of Iran is committed to international rights and global justice. Iran's policies towards Palestine are based on principles which have been highlighted in the international rules and conventions, too: The right to determine the fate of nations. This means to oppose occupation and violation of others' rights. Emphasizing on justice, Iran believes that Jews and Palestinians, as two historical ethnicities, should live within the framework of international rights and global justice.

5- Negation of violence and emphasis on human solutions

Iran's approach on the issue of Palestine has always been to rule out violence and carnage of the innocent. Iran has announced several times that the solution to this crisis is achieved not through war and bloodshed but through dialogue and democratic process. Iran's proposal to hold a referendum clearly reveals this approach: emphasis on peaceful and humane ways to settle the conflict.

Picture of ruined buildings in Gaza during bombardment by Israeli regime


6- Emphasis on negation of colonialism

The Islamic Republic of Iran and the resistance front are fighting Israel because Zionism, as a colonial project, has invaded West Asia through the occupation of Palestine and creation of the fake Israel. This invasion has not only destroyed the rights and territories of the Palestinians, but also is part of a long-term plan which, according to the Zionists themselves, has aimed at expansion of influence and usurpation of other territories of the region. The Israeli threats and expansionist policies against the regional countries have endangered security and stability in West Asia; and have necessitated resistance against this flagrant invasion and aggression.

Finally, Iran's proposal of returning of all migrating Jews to their main lands and holding a free referendum is both politically and morally originated in justice and respect for human rights. Naturally, if one party resorts to arms and use of force instead of dialogue and human rules and principles, it will receive the fitting response.


Key phrases: history of Israel, Where is West Asia? war of Israel and Iran, Iranian Jews



