Feb 04, 2024 06:51 UTC
  • Iraq’s resistance groups slam US airstrikes as ‘violation of sovereignty’

Iraq’s anti-terror resistance groups have condemned the latest airstrikes by the United States on several sites used by fellow fighters in the country.

The Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), better known by the Arabic word Hashd al-Sha’abi, said in a statement on Saturday, “The US bombardment constitutes a flagrant violation of the Iraqi sovereignty, as it targeted sites belonging to state security institutions."

"It also struck residential buildings, terrorizing ordinary citizens. Such actions mark a blatant disregard for all international principles and regulations,” it added.

The attacks targeted the official security headquarters of the PMU in the town of Qa’im, located nearly 400 kilometers (248 miles) northwest of the capital Baghdad and near the Syrian border.

The statement said the act of aggression resulted in the death of 16 people and injury of 36 others.

“We, hereby, declare our preparedness to carry out any orders from the Commander-in-Chief of the Iraqi Armed Forces [Prime Minister Mohamed Shia’ al-Sudani] to defend national sovereignty, territorial integrity and public security.”

Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba also condemned the airstrikes, stating that the attacks violated the sovereignty and dignity of Iraq, resulted in the martyrdom of several PMU fighters and ordinary people, and emboldened Daesh Takfiri terrorists to target security forces.

“With this act of aggression, the evil administration of US President Joe Biden confirmed that it is a sponsor of terrorism and crimes in the world, and that such violations amount to a grave breach of sovereignty.”

Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba declared its readiness to launch strikes on US occupation forces, emphasizing that the Islamic Resistance in Iraq – an umbrella group of anti-terror fighters – is now capable of striking far-flung points and delivering befitting responses to the enemy.

“Let American occupation forces and the ominous administration know that the Islamic Resistance will respond as it deems appropriate in time and place. We have surprises that will enrage the enemy and delight our allies,” Nujaba stated.

The Iraqi resistance group reiterated it will neither compromise and retreat nor back down from its struggle against US forces.

Hadi al-Amiri, the Leader of the Badr Organization and a key resistance figure, also condemned the airstrikes on Qa’im.

US Central Command (CENTCOM) said its military forces struck more than 85 targets in Iraq and Syria “with numerous aircraft to include long-range bombers flown from the United States.” The attacks “employed more than 125 precision munitions.”

