Jun 28, 2024 14:55 UTC
  • North Korea: Continuation of American proxy war against Russia will lead to world war

Pars Today- One of the military officials of North Korea announced that continuation of US military aids to Ukraine can lead to a new world war.

According to Pars Today, quoting from IRNA, Pak Jung Chun, one of the top officials of the North Korean army, said that Russia is entitled to choose any kind of retaliatory attack against Ukraine.

This North Korean military official added, "The US pressure on Ukraine to continue a proxy war against Russia can result in a stronger response from Russia and a new world war."

Deputy Defense Minister of North Korea, Kim Kang Il, also stated, "Sending an American aircraft carrier to the Korean Peninsula is a dangerous power show and opens the doors to Pyongyang's new and spectacular display of deterrence."

The American navy officials announced that aircraft carrier "Theodore Roosevelt" has arrived in Busan port late June to take part in the joint military maneuver with South Korea and Japan.

On the other hand, the US House of Representatives unanimously approved a $6.8 million package of military aid to Ukraine on April 20.

Dmitry Peskov, Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation, also, pointing to the approval of the bill for the US military assistance to Ukraine, warned that Washington's military assistance to Kiev will aggravate global crises and is tantamount to direct financial support for a terrorist activity.

Prolongation of war between Russia and Ukraine and the increase of the ensuing expenses have caused concerns about the spread of war beyond the Ukrainian borders and many European countries have joined the rank of opponents of support for Ukraine, but this bloody and costly war persists due to the supports of the US.


Key phrases: North Korea, Russia, Ukraine, US, Proxy war, Military aid    


