Mar 06, 2024 06:27 UTC
  • Syria: Colonial mentality still dominates Western politicians

Pars Today - The Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has criticized the colonial mentality and expansionism of Western countries towards other nations, stating that the political situation in the West is disastrous and is currently characterized by unethical contradictions and detachment from reality.

The European Union, in its recent meeting, ignored the role of the West and the United States in their continuous support for the Daesh terrorist group, making false allegations against the Syrian government.

Damascus, while condemning the allegations of the European Union, has described this action as "blatant interference in its internal affairs," calling it filled with racist mentalities.

Emphasizing that the colonial mentality and expansionism still dominate the minds of many Western politicians, the Ministry stated that such allegations reflect the disastrous political situation in the West, accompanied by unethical contradictions and detachment from reality.

Courtesy of Fars news agency

