Israel, lobbies' infiltration in US and civilizational-religious war in West Asia; a brief look
(last modified Sat, 27 Jul 2024 10:09:24 GMT )
Jul 27, 2024 10:09 UTC
  • Israel, lobbies' infiltration in US and civilizational-religious war in West Asia; a brief look
    Israel, lobbies' infiltration in US and civilizational-religious war in West Asia; a brief look

Pars Today- Since decades ago, the Zionist regime has tried to expand its dominance over the Palestinian territories and usurp them through oppressing the Palestinians, ruthless carnage of them, continuation of settlement construction, ignoring the Palestinians' rights, prevention of assistance operations for them even in the sectors of medicine and medical equipment. Enforcement of these policies has been feasible via the support of the US and the Zionist lobby in the US.

The direct and indirect impact of the Zionist lobbies on determination of the American foreign policy is an undeniable issue. These lobbies are not composed of a secret underground association, an infiltrating conspiratorial group or an organization with a specific leadership. The Israeli lobby is composed of a big number of individuals and establishments which are actively trying to direct the US foreign policy in favor of Israel. Pars Today has touched upon some aspects of this issue:

Two bigger lobbies

Many Zionist lobbies are effective in the US policy. Among the most important of these lobbies mention can be made of AIPAC and J Street. AIPAC pays exorbitantly to drag the presidential candidates towards itself and bring individuals to power who are inclined to Israel. These expenses have manifold benefits for AIPAC. According to a report on Al Jazeera network, for every single dollar paid by AIPAC to impact elections in the US, the Zionist regime receives 50 dollars from the US for construction and arming of settlements.

J Street is another famous lobby affiliated to the Israeli regime. This lobby emphasizes mostly on democratic values and intends to depict a different image of the Israeli Apartheid regime among the American officials. The first principle of this group is the decisive support for Israel and Zionists. The next principles have also concentrated on employment of a "critical" and "revisionist" literature to draw the attention of the democratic groups and human rights activists in the US.

US elections and war in Gaza

In the heat of the recent war in Gaza, which has led to the martyrdom of at least 39 thousand and injury of more than 90 thousand innocent and defenseless Palestinians, the US presidential campaign continues more seriously. Although the Americans have been suffering from numerous problems such as economic recession, environmental challenges and social woes for the recent years, political parties in the country have been unanimous in supporting Israel so that the issues pertaining to Israel and Palestine have been focused by both democrats and republicans in the upcoming presidential election.

Of course, this is just a part of the Zionist regime's prevalent infiltration in the US which has managed, both during the Cold War and the current era, to redefine its strategic role in the US foreign policy to turn into the center of attraction of support and political, economic, military and technological assets of the US.

Civilizational and apocalyptic war

According to a famous saying, Israel is the "easternmost" part of the Western civilization in view of the American politicians which is duty-bound to protect the strategic interests of Washington and prevent the advancement of "Easterners" to the other side of the eastern Mediterranean. Such a view turns "Beitul-Moqaddas" into the first fortress of the West against the civilizations of Islam, Hinduism and Confucius; hence, its survival should be guaranteed at any price. Perhaps, this was the reason why the US President, Joe Biden said with confidence during meeting with his Israeli counterpart, Yitzhak Herzog, that if there had not been an Israel, the US would have created it.

Political experts maintain that Israel's importance for the US is not limited to political and economic domains. It is rather significant for the US due to ideological, religious, and sectarian issues. There are nearly 70-80 million Christians in the US who believe that Prophet Jesus will emerge after the occurrence of a series of events in West Asia by Zionists. They are indeed those who are known as "Evangelists". They believe that a great war will take place between the Jews and their Arab and Muslim neighbors. In this war, al-Aqsa Mosque and Qubbat al-Sakhra (Dome of the Rock) will be demolished and Solomon's Temple will be built in its place. This will lead to the apocalyptic war and the emergence of Jesus. This belief has caused the occupation of Palestine by Zionists.

Great role of colonialism, fabrication of Zionist regime and Iranian challenge in West Asia

The main core of the Israeli regime was shaped in 1917 via the infiltration of the forefathers of the new lobbyists in the West and the colonial British scheme through the forceful migration of the Jews from different countries into the Palestinian land; and the illegitimate birth of this entity was officially announced in 1948. Different schemes of collective massacres for genocide of the Palestinian people and seizure of their entire territories have been carried out ever since.

A number of countries, pioneered by the Islamic Republic of Iran, are seriously supporting the dissolution of the colonialist Israeli regime and return of the Jews to their motherlands. Thus, it is very important to analyze the October 7 war correctly with recognizing these roots and players."


Key phrases: US and Israel, Gaza war, Israeli crimes, Zionist lobby in US, AIPAC, J  Street, al-Aqsa Mosque



