Spaniards hold massive protest in Madrid, warn against overhauling care services
(last modified Sun, 13 Nov 2022 14:25:41 GMT )
Nov 13, 2022 14:25 UTC
  • Spaniards hold massive protest in Madrid, warn against overhauling care services

The people in Spain’s capital have held a massive rally, warning against a government plan to overhaul regional primary care services, saying its impact on the local healthcare system would be destructive.

Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators rallied in Madrid on Sunday to defend the region's primary care services. The protesters warned the government that plans to overhaul the system would "destroy" local healthcare.

According to local media, huge crowds rallied at four points across the Spanish capital and marched on city hall in a mass protest under the slogan: "Madrid rallies in support of public healthcare and against the plan to destroy primary care services."

According to the report, primary care services in the Madrid area have been under huge pressure for years due to a lack of resources and staff. According to unions, the situation give even worse as a result of poor regional management.

A regional government spokesman said there were 200,000 people present at the Sunday rally.

"Healthcare for all, your health should never depend on your wallet," read one huge green banner as thousands of voices chanted "Public healthcare!"

The protest was called by local associations and municipalities and took aim at the health policies of the regional government of right-wing leader Isabel Diaz Ayuso -- including a push for public-private healthcare partnerships and its restructuring of primary care.