Jun 24, 2024 13:09 UTC
  • What do we know of US death and sterilization schools?
    What do we know of US death and sterilization schools?

Pars Today- The image known from the US in the world public opinion is quite different from the realities of this biggest pretender of defending human rights. The United States has been founded on the blood of millions of the native people and slaves who had been taken by force from Africa to Americas.

Studies indicate that, for more than 100 years, native children in the US, after forcible sending to boarding schools, had been exposed to persecution and sexual harassment of the staff of those schools. According to Pars Today magazine, quoting from Daily Mail, the American Federal government, in a systematic attempt to annihilate the indigenous community of the country, set up over 500 special boarding schools for native children to separate them from their families. Washington Post researches show how these schools set the ground for the crimes of sexual sadists.

As a matter of fact, two big crimes had occurred at these schools. First, the white European migrants, with the aim of genocide of the native Red Indians and destroying their identity alongside their massacre, gathered thousands of their children at schools in a bid to obliterate the American Red Indian communities. The greater crime had been committed by Vatican towards children so that, Pop Francis apologized for the role of the Catholic Church in abusing the native Canadian people after discovery of hundreds of graves with no signs in the enclosure of the former boarding schools. Sexual harassment and abuse had taken place at the special boarding schools of Canada against native children in the waning years of these schools in 1950s and 1960s. This means that the more the US and Canadian governments claimed to be civilized and to defend human rights, the more racist and supremacist their spirit has become. A former Catholic bishop confessed that when he faced with sexual abuse allegations, he noticed that these schools had been the wonderland of criminals.

Sterilization and slavery project

In 1930, the Office of Natives and Red Indians of America embarked on sterilization of the red women through the so-called "hygiene services". This sterilization was done under the guise of "hygiene services" and in some cases, without the women's knowledge. Statistic data indicate that in early 1970s, more than %42 of the red women had been sterilized in the age of reproduction.

The population of 13 American colonies increased from 2 thousand to 2.4 million between the years 1625- 1775. This, while the natives of the northeast of America had become homeless. After independence from Britain in 1776, the massive influx of migrants to the US started. European immigrants had clashes with the native tribes of Apache, Cherokee, Cheyenne, Chinook, Navaho and Sioux and made their generation extinct.

David E. Stannard in his book, "American Holocaust; The Conquest of the New World", writes that nearly 100 million of the natives in the Western Hemisphere have been killed by Europeans and their children during 5 centuries. Although indispensable rights such as life, freedom, and happiness had been mentioned in the United States Declaration of Independence, they were not for all inhabitants of the US. Indeed, the US independence was shaped on the basis of racial discrimination and supremacy. The European white immigrants had a system of slavery which they brought it to the Americas. It is estimated that between the 16th and 19th centuries, approximately 35 million men, women and children had been brought to the New World.

According to the database of Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade website, nearly 12.5 million of the people brought to north America, worked as freelance workforce on farms under very tough conditions.

The black people, one century before attaining their rights and civil freedom, were forced to fight for the white in the US army. In the war of 861-1865, 750 thousand soldiers and a number of unknown civilians were killed. The racial discrimination law persisted in the US till 1960s so that the American civil rights movement was set up and ended with the assassination of Martin Luther King to rescind this barbaric law.

Although the racial discrimination law has been rescinded, the American natives, black people, and even Latinos are subjected to discrimination and injustice. One of the great problems of the US is this very gap (chasm) and inequality which causes bipolarity in the American society. For sure, the United States has a very black and bleak record of genocide and crime abroad, too. This record extends from South America to Africa, and East and West Asia.

Key phrases: carnage of natives, natives of the Americas, American civil wars, slaves in the Americas

