Jun 26, 2024 12:22 UTC
  • Turkey: Cyprus has turned into operational base against Gaza

Pars Today- Turkish foreign minister warned Cyprus and called on the country to stop military and intelligence cooperation with Israel.

Hakan Fidan, Turkish Foreign Minister, on Tuesday said that Cyprus has turned into an operational base against Gaza, and added, "If you take the side of war in the crises of West Asia, its fire will engulf you, too." According to Pars Today, Fidan stated, "Turkey has given necessary warnings to the European and Cypriot officials since the beginning."

The Turkish foreign minister, saying that serious arming is underway in Cyprus, went on to say that this should be prevented so that spread to West Asia.

Turkey does not recognize the EU member, Cyprus.

The Turkish foreign minister's warning was announced less than one week after the remarks of the Lebanese Hezbollah Movement's Secretary General, Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah on Israel-Cyprus collaboration.

Nasrallah on last Wednesday, warning Cyprus over cooperation with the Zionist regime, said, "We warn the Cypriot government that if it opens its airports and bases for Israel to target Lebanon, it will be part of the war. We will continue our solidarity and support for Gaza and are ready for all possibilities, and nothing will prevent us from fulfilling this duty."

The Israeli regime, since October 7, 2023, has launched a widespread carnage in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank of River Jordan against the innocent and defenseless people of Palestine with the all-out support of the Western country, especially the US.

According to the latest reports more than 37 thousand Palestinians have been martyred and over 85 thousand others have been injured during the attacks of the Zionist regime on Gaza.

The main core of the Israeli regime was shaped in 1917 with the scheme of the British colonialism through forced migration of Jews from various countries to the land of Palestinians; and its coming to existence was officially declared in 1948. Ever since, different plots of massacre have been put into effect for genocide of the Palestinian people and seizure of their territories.


Key phrases: Turkey and Cyprus, Israel and Cyprus, Lebanon and Cyprus, Israeli crimes, Gaza war


