Nowrouz (1)
(last modified Sat, 19 Mar 2016 10:10:03 GMT )
Mar 19, 2016 10:10 UTC

Nowrouz is the Iranian New Year, which is celebrated each year on the first day of spring, the vernal equinox. Usually Nowrouz falls on the 20th or 21st of March, depending on whether there has been a leap year. In this the first episode in our special series, we look at spring, the blossoming of trees and flowers, when nature seems to regenerate, and renew itself.

There is a periodic quality to nature. Nature seems to renew it self every year. We have all seen the falling of the leaves in autumn, dried up leaves which die and wither away. And all of us have seen the blossoming of trees and plants with the coming of spring. Spring is the season when nature seems to renew itself. Trees grow green in the spring. New green leaves appear, the whiteness and stillness of winter gives way to the greening, blossoming, and regeneration/invigoration of spring. Spring buzzes with life, warmth and movement, in sharp contrast to the cold winter months.

Humans, too, follow a cycle in their lives. The older generations pass away, and they are “replaced” by new-born babies. Just as the day passes and the night begins, winter ends and spring begins. Just as the day has a limited duration, the lives of human beings also have a “limited duration”. But how nice it would be if we too could “regenerate ourselves” with the coming of spring, just like nature does.

Time, of course never stops. Time is like a train which keeps on moving, and stops at no station. Humans, too, should always be working and learning. There is a famous statement from Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb (peace upon him), the cousin, son-in-law and divinely-designated vicegerent of Prophet Mohammad (blessings of God upon him and his progeny). The Imam says: “If two of your days are identical to one another, then you have suffered a loss, and he, whose tomorrow, is worse than his today, has indeed been deprived”.

The Almighty God has created the entire universe and everything which is in it. All of God’s creatures praise the Lord; from birds and mammals, to trees and plants. Every living creature is constantly praising the Lord. The holy Qur’an says in Ayah 44 of Sura Isra:

“The seven heavens glorify Him, and the earth [too], and whoever is in them. There is not a thing but celebrates His praise, but you do not understand their glorification. Indeed He is All-Forbearing, All-Forgiving.”

Allah the All-Wise Who brought the universe into existence, shaped the Milky Way Galaxy, fashioned the solar system, made the Earth (like the other planets) spin on its axis while revolving around the Sun – in order to determine day and night, the cyclic change of weather conditions, computation of the year – and created winds to interact with the sunlight and the salty seas to set in motion the clouds for raining fresh water on the soil to make it bloom with vegetation of different kinds for the thriving of birds, animals, and insects of various hues and colours – all for the benefit of the Best of Creation, that is Mankind. The holy Qur’an says in ayah 9 of Surah Fatir:

“It is Allah Who sends the winds and these (winds) raise a cloud; then We drive it toward a dead land and with it revive the earth after its death. Likewise will be the resurrection [of the dead].”

Let us also remember the following parable from the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali ibe Abi Taleb (PBUH). One day a man asked the Commander of the Faithful: “Have you seen your Lord/your God?” The Imam replied: “I am not the servant of a Lord whom I haven’t seen.” He then added: “The eyes cannot see Him, but Hearts, because of the truth of their faith, see the Lord”.

Nowrouz the harbinger of spring is here. The message of Nowrouz is that it is never too late to change; it is never too late to renew and regenerate yourself!! Change your lifestyle to the lifestyle which Islam and the holy Qur’an has taught us. It is not too late to change. To live according to the principles of the holy Qur’an!!

Open up your eyes. Look around you. See how beautiful nature is, particularly at springtime. In natures’ beauty, you can see the Beauty of the Creator. In ayahs 19 and 20 of Surah Ankabout, God Almighty says:

“Have they not regarded how Allah originates the creation? Then He will bring it back. That is indeed easy for Allah. Say, ‘Travel over the land and then observe how He has originated the creation.’ Then Allah shall bring about the genesis of the Hereafter. Indeed Allah has power over all things.”
